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Need some advice regarding the outfit studio.


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So my body is made in bodysliders and now I would like to modify the outfits to fit the body. My problem is my body has a small frame with a small chest.


I tried morphing the clothes all day but they just end up warped and jaggy (where I focused the tool), how can I make the clothes fit my body and look like the clothes fit the body? Not all spiky and warped.


The bodies that are more big and bustier are easy to morph the clothes around as usual the ass cheeks and breasts just stick out, but for my body, the frame is completely swallowed up by the standard armour size. For example, the Forsworn armour is an absolute nightmare with its leather straps and feathers, the chest size for the armour is far in front of my bodies chest size, I have to manually decrease the mesh around the chest and once done, it looks all jaggy and warped.


Any tips?

Edited by CSang1993
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I used the UNP body and set it to 0 and worked my way around. Is your tutorial specifically fkr your bodyslide or is it a tutorial to convert all armour and clothes to fit your custom bodyslide? Sorry I'm on mobile, I would check if I could but I'm literally living in the middle of a jungle.

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I can't help you with UUNP; I only use/support CBBE/BodySlide (UNP/UUNP's just too odd-looking for me). I'm assuming there's an UUNP conversion of vanilla/DLC outfits around, but you'll have to find it yourself. But, yes, once you have UUNP outfit replacers installed, you BatchBuild to get them to fit your preset. Instead of using OS to manually edit the meshes, you should just use the sliders included in UUNP to get the shape you want; a hell of a lot less work for the same effect.

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