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Oblivion ini keeps reseting fix


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So I've been having an issue with the local map not appearing properly, as well as some menu buttons being blank. I figured out the problem to this by changing the Fnear value in my oblivion ini from 2.0000 to 10.00000. But for some reason when loading up the game a second time, the ini value keeps going back to 2.000 forcing me to apply the change almost every time I start the game. I have no idea what's causing this, or what to do at this point. And yes, I did try the saveini command.

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I know that it does have a feature that keeps Oblivion.ini locked in read only mode. Best place to find out how to use Oblivion Reloaded is to read the Oblivion Reloaded manual.

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I know that it does have a feature that keeps Oblivion.ini locked in read only mode. Best place to find out how to use Oblivion Reloaded is to read the Oblivion Reloaded manual.


Ok, however I have edited other parts of the ini, and they stay just fine. I will look into oblivion reloadeds manual.

Edited by Zzarcon
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