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I keep checking the forums for any word or updates. I check their site too.


Would be nice if they'd post on there occasional "status updates" like "Still breathing. SKSE SE progress has not vanquished us yet! Dec 26th 2016 update."

Something like that, Just to confirm they're alive. Just like, once every 2 or 3 weeks :smile: Even like, the same words with a date update to confirm they still live and haven't gone into hiding because the SE version threatened to end them and everyone they ever knew if they didn't xD =D

Might help anxiety for lunatics like myself xD

You say every 2 or 3 weeks but there's a post in this very thread from just a few days ago promising an update before the end of the year/week.


xD Totally didn't even see if. It can be hard to find stuff in threads if you don't have tons of time, I was aware of the periodic, and more detailed updates in the other thread before this one was made, and am super grateful! I just hadn't even remotely expected a post already here so I barely even skimmed. This was more of a idle wish for the SKSE page itself. And the second post was just me being silly because once I thought that it demanded to exist xD. It's just nice to know my favorite mod devs are still extant. I shall wait patiently for half a decade if I must for SKSE SE to be complete. Lazy anxious Tilgia is lazy and anxious is all xD (well, lazy/in-a-rush, same diff)


Would help if I was more observant. Still would be comforting to see something on the SKSE site/page. Obviously in no way obligatory xD Which I thought about editing into my first post, to clarify I didn't feel it was at all, but the edit option was gone, and it just didn't fit at the end of the other one. And if double posting is rude, I can't imagine triple posting would be considered polite \@.@/


<3 Anyway, all the appreciation and gratitude to the SKSE dev team for the original SKSE, all efforts for the SE version, and for keeping us in the loop <3



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I will have an update and a new thread here in this forum before the new year - just need to finish up a few things first.


That is great news. A thread made by the dev will help us filter out the speculations and "when SKSE will come?" posts.

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I managing without it but feel hobbled without some of the good mods for SKSE. I mess up a lot using my keys and switching weapons is a bear. I miss my favorite menu, the HUD that autohides the crossbar and looks beautiful because the entire interface is hidden. Also that nice mod that puts the time at the top with a beautiful seasonal graphic...I keep looking for it for the game time and it's not there...
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