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How much humor is in your life?


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You know. I've been a part of debate sites, for a very long time. I've gotten pissed and pissed off a lot of people, because of some juvenile sense of accomplishment, based on having the last word or simply browbeating the object of my anger to death. I finally found out that victories won on the field of battle, any field of battle are short lived and ultimately irrelevant. What truly matters is what lasts, which is not a fleeting feeling of victory, but a warm wonderful feeling of belonging.


Ask yourself, what draws you to these web sites. Is it the wanting desire to crush you enemies beneath you, or is it to fill a hole in your ordinary life. Is it something that comes as close to a real felling of being apart of something greater than you, without the physical ties that restrict you in a real life relationship? Does it give you the anonymity to be yourself, without truly revealing the person you are?


I come to these site to fill the holes in my life that is created by the loneliness of the road, and I've fought, what I called "The Good Fight" at every turn, but I never understood that the term fighting and good never really fit together. Fighting- is not good and yelling is even worse. I realized that, however we came into being, we came with two ears and only one mouth. That to me means that we should listen twice as much as we speak. I also noticed that we have a brain in between these two points on our bodies. I know that because of the detour signs I've found around that organ, while I was eating crow, after saying something, I thought smart at the time, but dumb at anytime since then.


I found something that I could use that would take me off that 4-lane highway, from my rear end, detouring around my brain, running directly to my mouth. It's called humor. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not pointing out this to anyone here. I have pointed this out, in one degree or another in every debate site that I come to, because of the fact that these debate sites tends to whip up the wind into a hurricane, sometimes and people have been known to be taken away, by this wind. First with their mouths and then by the admins, when the torrent becomes too much to deal with.


No issue, no ideal, no faith or lack thereof is more important than the friendships that we have at these places. No one has all the questions or the answers. I would bid any of you, who finds himself over their head with anger and frustration, to step away from the keyboard and go find the humor section of any site. If you don't find anything funny there, go find something you find hilarious and post it there. Don't do it in a spirit of meanness, trying to get back at someone, but a spirit of wanting to show the best side of who you are. Thank you!

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I suppose, it's not uncommon to be Making fun of Every Darned hole in the wall pre-college, during college, and after college. so i surmise I will be laughing Hard for quite some time. however, i see you've been a member of this site for some time. there's a long trail of broken hearts and cracked cheekbones starting from here, as there's a lot of fun to be had anywhere, and a lot of Backfires, flames, Fireballs and constant flare thrown at you by the less sophisticated members of the forum. but let's not get all amateur poetic...


very well said, mate. your post is going to mark it's place in my memory for a long time, a long time indeed.

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I have a great deal of humour in my life and actually have a good time where ever I may be - physically or virtually. There aren’t a whole lot of things that bother me or that I find I need to defend or be defensive about. I am also extremely "thick skinned" - a characteristic one must have at least in my profession or survival is not possible - and so its pretty rare that something or someone upsets me to any degree.


This is likely why I’m more a lurker than a participant – what is important in my life and what I would be willing to be upset about will never be found on a web site.


This being my third go around at the Nexus site (I came back because of Skyrim) I found myself pretty much exploring the same areas of the site as I had in past "lives" as a member of the site, including the "debate" forum - which I see has not changed hardly at all (I don’t think I’ve ever seen an actual debate here) and which is still a source of hilarity and wonderment for me.

It is also a source of regret as I see a number of individuals I’ve “known” from the site and forums gone because their amygdala got hijacked.


Anyway, I agree with the OP – it’s just a web site and not life and death – have fun and enjoy whatever you may do as the consequences of being overly serious tend to be rather harsh.

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@ kvnchrist ... Well I suppose you could look at it - and "it" being "your experience with people" here on the Debates forum - from the point of view as "how much humor you have in your life" when dealing with people or situations ... but personally I see it the same as putting pressure on a toothpaste tube ... here you get squeezed so let's see what comes out.

People deal with issues in many ways ... humor, is definitely one way ... so i'll support you on this.


But you have to understand that you are dealing with a great number of folk from many countries here and from different cultures who look at things through the eyes of their personal experience and environment, their worldview and therefore you have so many varied responses to whatever you say.

So it's not just humor but rather it's also character ... just let that sink in for a moment.

You cannot laugh everything away ... humor cannot "answer" everything.


Your focus needs to be elsewhere and not on the responses ... or the "people's faces" if you get what i'm saying ... that's not so deep ... ok ok, by that I mean "what the people will think".

I'm tired now, it's way past my bedtime (2:17 AM) and I'm getting philosophical so I know it's time to go.

I am a pretty upbeat person, I have trained myself to be that way, so I do practice what you're preaching.

Just keep on keeping on ... don't sweat the small stuff ... listen to David Bowies song "The laughing gnome" and have a beer ... cheers.


Here's the link ... have a laugh while I go and kip (sleep) ... The Laughing Gnome

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@ kvnchrist ... Well I suppose you could look at it - and "it" being "your experience with people" here on the Debates forum - from the point of view as "how much humor you have in your life" when dealing with people or situations ... but personally I see it the same as putting pressure on a toothpaste tube ... here you get squeezed so let's see what comes out.

People deal with issues in many ways ... humor, is definitely one way ... so i'll support you on this.


But you have to understand that you are dealing with a great number of folk from many countries here and from different cultures who look at things through the eyes of their personal experience and environment, their worldview and therefore you have so many varied responses to whatever you say.

So it's not just humor but rather it's also character ... just let that sink in for a moment.

You cannot laugh everything away ... humor cannot "answer" everything.


Your focus needs to be elsewhere and not on the responses ... or the "people's faces" if you get what i'm saying ... that's not so deep ... ok ok, by that I mean "what the people will think".

I'm tired now, it's way past my bedtime (2:17 AM) and I'm getting philosophical so I know it's time to go.

I am a pretty upbeat person, I have trained myself to be that way, so I do practice what you're preaching.

Just keep on keeping on ... don't sweat the small stuff ... listen to David Bowies song "The laughing gnome" and have a beer ... cheers.


Here's the link ... have a laugh while I go and kip (sleep) ... The Laughing Gnome



What makes you think my experience is only from here and character goes right out the window, when the topics heat up.That an add a little political idealism and you've got a potential powder keg. It's not the character, but the character taking himself too seriously, that is the issue here.

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What makes you think my experience is only from here and character goes right out the window, when the topics heat up.That an add a little political idealism and you've got a potential powder keg. It's not the character, but the character taking himself too seriously, that is the issue here.


This is now the fifth time that I've revised my response ... and being considerate all I'm going to say is "good luck" with your new endeavor and a Happy New Year :biggrin: :teehee:

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