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Professional mod request:Playable Dragons


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If intense modding(like making npc races,like in oblivion) is possible,I would wish so badly for a spell/race that can be used to transform into the dragon,etc.


If it is possible,that would be awesome!




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Hey erkor,


I don't know if you've tried it out but you can actually use a console command do exactly that so a skilled modder might be able to utilize the scripts used in that command, although the camera position would need editing. If you haven't already the command is: player.setrace dragonrace



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Hey erkor,


I don't know if you've tried it out but you can actually use a console command do exactly that so a skilled modder might be able to utilize the scripts used in that command, although the camera position would need editing. If you haven't already the command is: player.setrace dragonrace





I'm gonna try that out right now!The only problem is that I want the fire breath etc. for it too,so it would look like you are a normal dragon.

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