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Skyrim or Oblivion?


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So, which would you end up choosing overall? Skyrim or Oblivion?


Oh, and please don't bring up "Skyrim sucks because it needs new graphics card hurp er derp" stuff. That's a crap reason, considering most games in 2011 needed new up-to-date graphic cards (trust me, seen it on MW3 forums, BF3 forums, these forums, etc.) Just bring up general reasons why you would prefer x over x.


I'd choose Oblivion, more mod-able, less bugs and glitches, and more of a story to it. Skyrim also had a lack of quests. Oblivion never did (Shivering Isles, KOTN, Dark brotherhood and Black hand.....)


Skyrim also lacked story in the guilds. My favorite was the Thieve's because it had a radiant story, and not even that was very good. So Oblivion, yes, seems a whole lot better than Skyrim.

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Some of the story lines were rather bland and nowhere near as good as Oblivions but I still really enjoy exploration, dungeon raiding and combat a whole lot more. Despite being many poor quests there's many, many fun ones too. Once the creation kit is out I'm going to enjoy it twice as much!

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Oblivion. The dungeons in Skyrim are more unique, yes, but there's not as much quest variety or creativity to back it up. I like the style of Skyrim much, much more, but Oblivion's mods ultimately win for me.
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Oblivion. Skyrim has nice graphics, but the game mechanics and dynamics are dumbed down and stripped down so badly that it is embarrassing. (Take a look at Morrowind and see how much more complex it is than Skyrim. Birthsigns, classes, spellmaking, no quest flags, skill requirements for guild advancement, pauldrons, greaves, medium armor, crossbows, spears, etc. etc.) Skyrim has more guilds to join than Oblivion and beats it in that respect. (Morrowind beats both games in this category.) Skyrim provides a better framerate than Oblivion -- If you build or buy a computer that can play Skyrim. (My new rig for Skyrim plays Skyrim better than Oblivion. My old setup that could hardly play Skyrim played Oblivion just as good as my new rig. I was expecting drastic Oblivion improvements and was disappointed.) Oblivion is happier and prettier. It looks a little like a cartoon. Skyrim is all about death and gore and sadness in the middle of an endless winter. The colors are all washed-out and desaturated, and it seems like nothing but white snow and grey sky. Oblivion is currently much more moddable than Skyrim. This is sad, because Skyrim really needs some mods to fix it. Bethesda has no good reason to withhold the construction kit from us. That is the software they used to build the whole game. That seems to prove that the construction kit is fully operational. I see no reason why they can't release it. And they can update it too, if they decide the current construction kit needs improvements.
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I see no reason why they can't release it. And they can update it too, if they decide the current construction kit needs improvements.


Actually I can.

If we look back to the Oblivion CS, V1.0 had a functional lip synching component, V1.2 didn't.

My suspicion (and this is only my suspicion based on what is generally known) is that Bethsoft inadvertently distributed an SDK component that they didn't have the rights to distribute, and promptly broke it to alleviate a possible lawsuit for copyright infringement.


Right now Bethsoft are probably removing the bits from Skyrim CS (or whatever it going to be called) that they cannot legally re-distribute.


As for the original topic Skyrim has potential, it isn't there yet.

Edited by flobalob
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