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What hardware was this UE4 tech demo run on?

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I don't see what resolution it is but the other demos are all 1080p, if a GTX1080 can run games in 4k It should be able to run this at 1080p.


When I watch it full-screen on my 27 inch screen it doesn't look that impressive anyway.

Edited by Erik005
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I don't see what resolution it is but the other demos are all 1080p, if a GTX1080 can run games in 4k It should be able to run this at 1080p.


When I watch it full-screen on my 27 inch screen it doesn't look that impressive anyway.


Was that video pre-rendered or real time?

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What you see in the video is not completely real time. Things like shadows and other effects are pre-baked to alleviate the load on the GPU rendering the environments. You also have to take into account it's just scenery, there is no game logic or other processes going on within the environment being rendered, which also alleviates the stress on the system running it by a large margin. Consider half and half when it comes to whether or not it is pre-rendered or real time. It's kind of a combination of those things. These Unreal Engine 4 demos are all rendered in-engine, but that does not mean games will be able to look anything like those tech demos. These demos are created with a very strict set of parameters, and are usually minimally taxing for a reasonably powerful rig.


As for specs needed to run a tech demo like that, some person in the comments section of that video said an R9 390 (the Nvidia equivalent would be the GTX 970) could run a demo like that with acceptable framerates. That should give you an idea of what kind of system is needed to run a tech demo like that. I do not know what hardware was used by the creator of the video footage though.

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Easy to check


Pre rendered animations usually uses field rendering & the individual frames would be slightly blurred. Real time frames would look like screenshots.


For a guess I would say the camera movements & lighting look like 3d max to me, rendered with Vray.

I am not a fan of most off the shelf 3D animation software with the exception of Newtek's LightWave when it comes to camera movement. They get it wrong like in this video. Game engines usually have camera acceleration & deceleration built in & would look smoother.


Anyway, beautifully modeled, beautifully lit & beautifully rendered.



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The pebbles scene is impressive mostly because the pebbles are actually modeled - you know they're not going to be in a game.


The rest is fairly representative of the kind of content you'd find in a game, except for the interior scenes, which look very much like modern commercial architectural and design renderings.

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