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Advanced Interactive Items


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set items to draw the line of sight to other areas to sneak by... ie: use 1 gold coin to throw onto the floor and and up to 3 AI will walk to and try to pick up the coin.... or buy-able/smith-able bear traps and such that can be dropped and picked up.... maybe tripwire booby-traps but maybe that's over the top.... also possibly decoys, that can be made with misc items and clothing (watermelon with iron dagger with fur armour/armor and leather straps) that if dropped enemies will stop and attack for a short period of time.... all of the building materials can be picked up from the decoy and fixed again.... sort of a simple mod with the Skyrim version of "The Geck" right around the corner and all the great modders about... and kind of off topic but is it just me who thinks the skyrim geck should be called "The Melder Scroll"? as it the elder scrolls and melding your own items and such.....anyway thanks for reading... PEACE
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