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[MOD PLANNING] Become Jarl of Whiterun


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Extending this mod into a High King mod would defo be a great idea, hopefully restoring interest in the game for the bored and over-played... My main idea was that the Thalmor spying on you and trying to overthrow you could trigger a full-blown war which results in wiping out the Thalmor... Eventually grow into the most powerful man in Skyrim and get recognised for it. Leave Whiterun for a few days and it becomes Skyrim's capital... MAYBE Riverwood could be a big and significant city... Get Monthly meetings with the moot and spend money on new programs, such as expanding the Thieves Guild and creating new outposts for it... Creating a secret service to act on your behalf (Get a spell to summon 7 or 8 Elite Warriors would be AMAZING) So many ideas, so little means...
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Another thing is (which I actually suspect would be an issue to come in the inevitable Expansion Set for Skyrim (whenever that is)), the Foresworn.


Many people overlook them, but the Hagravens and Foresworn (no matter which faction takes over Skyrim) will inevitably rise up. Especially if it's the Stormcloaks. The hagravens have a much more sinister idea in mind for Skyrim, while the Foresworn are banding together with them, seemingly for their strange magics. I'm guessing at some point they will make a Briarheart that is comparable to the power of the Dragonborn, since he is the newest, and greatest threat to them and the only thing that could stand in their way.


My assumption would be that, in the midst of a great struggle between the Thalmor, the Foresworn would take that opportunity to rise up in full force against Markarth as sort of a..."Kansas City Side-step", but through their corruption from the hagravens will use that as a base of operations to launch attacks or organize their "new faction" into a super power of their own against all of Skyrim. It might even be prudent to suggest that the Thalmor would need to squash them as much as you would to continue the..."litigation" over the ownership of Skyrim.


Just some thoughts that I think shouldn't be overlooked.

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I can help you with the voice-overs, story-lines writings (I already wrote 1 book of poetry and 1 of fantasy in my country, Italy. The Fantasy book is still in my PC cause I havent sent it to the publisher, gotta correct errors before doin so. The poetry book is already on the market.) and level designs. Im good at that and nothing more, sorry XD
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The base idea is great, but i dont think that the "i can give you power" part its accurate... you are the Dovahkiin, Dragons Fear you, you ARE power.

Perhaps a different approach on getting to the decision of taking the Jarl out, maby this Bob could just kill the Jarl, Poisoning his food maybe?, and the new jarl is being decided, by voting? so you need to get the city to support you, obviously the battle-born and grey-manes will have a stronger support depending on your civil war decisions, but... f*** you saved the f***ing realm & thanks to you the faction you chose won.

This doesn't means you don't need to get the city support. but, yeah make it harder. like the only way to get the companions on your back is to be the harbinger, or a stupid amount of money, like teasing you, but you actually managed to get it.

Just something to think about.


I would love to be the jarl, and have ***SPOILER ALERT*** Odahviing on dragonscreech and (with a dragon riding mod) take off from the back jard of dragonscreech!!!

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Yeah, that was a rough idea when I wrote the main thing. People have given me loads of great suggestions and I'm bursting for the CS to come out! Anyway, the idea of a rebellion seems more fun and seeing the Jarl get his head cut off (Such a great animation wasted...) The part where he says you can get power.. You're right. People know and respect you, I mean ffs you took over the hold with the Imperials/Stormcloaks... THEN you saved the hold from a dragon. You'd think rather than having a crusty old dude as Jarl they'd pick the most powerful man in skyrim- Ulfric/Tullius' best friends and the Hero of the Stormcloaks/Imperials... AND the Dragonborn. But yeah, thanks for your idea. The Companions idea is great and your point about the Greymanes or Battleborn is correct as well. If an Akatosh Mount mod was made then the Odahviing advisor would be a certainty!!
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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey guys and gals. Just an update on the progress of the mod in practicality..... The CK has been released, it's at 25% on my steam and I'm about to embark on the first steps in this Mod's creation. It'll start with just pissing about with little things in the CK, such as making NPCs. I'll keep everybody informed on the progress, and you can expect a beta by June or so, and maybe by September you'll be sitting in Solitude on the throne of the High King! Please give me your suggestions and comments as they will sustain me through what will inevitably be one of my biggest projects ever!


Thanks guys and gals!


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And here I thought the return of the Dragonborn would mean the restoration of the Dragon Throne... thanks for the spoiler :mad:


If you can pull it off before an official expansion, how about a campaign to be recognized as the rightful inheritor of the Dragon Throne (to be rebuilt at High Hrothgar.)?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,

I'm sorry to announce that... I cannot work any longer on this mod. I am too busy with school, and that goes on top of the fact that I couldn't master the CK even if I spent the rest of 2012 trying. I'm just not good enough!! I always was a story-line guy rather than a tech guy. If anybody can get anywhere, PLEASE tell me and I will give you any suggestions you need.


Thanks so much and I am sorry I couldn't do this. I'm sure somebody will do it instead.



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