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Hello! (Wow, I wasn't expecting this thread to be bumped. xD) If you manage to successfully port the mod to SSE, please let me know. :) I'd be glad to release it with your name on it and in the credits.


I've not gotten any news from IamtheDangan (OP), unfortunately. Anyway, recruiting NPCs to Meridia's temple is still not possible in the mod. But, as a sort of compromise, I added visiting pilgrims in v1.7. Recruiting generic NPCs seems doable for me, but without voiced dialogue, it just seems unimmersive, so my idea (in the possible future) is to create a unique NPC, with custom voice and story, to recruit/join the temple. However, that would be a heavy undertaking and I can't really commit to such an idea... yet.


Actually, IamtheDangan was going to make an 'expansion' for the mod that adds NPC recruitment, but as I said, I've not heard from him, though his profile says he was active 1-2 weeks ago. *shrug* If anyone is willing to make such an add-on/expansion, you have my support. :)

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I'll give it a whirl. I'm not sure I know how to convert mods yet as I'm still trying to figure it out. I'll play around and see if I can convert it per Arthmoor's instructions. :smile:

Edit: I sent you a pm with the link in it for the Equinox mod. Didn't just want to blast it in public as it's not even alpha yet. I'll let you test it. lol I followed Sharlikran's instructions, I think, to the letter, and I've used a couple simple retex mods by just nifoptimizing them, so with all I did now, it should be good to go... *crosses fingers*

Edited by twowolves80
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