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ashoka tano clone wars companion/race mod


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if someone could make ashoka tano or aayla secura as a companion that would be absolutely super. especially ashoka tano since shes my favorite character from the series. maybe even with voices since ashoka is coming up a lot in the clone wars. i'd prefer ashoka as companion mod above all of this but i dont know what the possibilities and limits are for skyrim modders, also if it would be easier to do in fallout new vegas i would appreciate that too.and if there is someone who could make a twi'lek or togruta mod from star wars for skyrim as playable race that would be great. like aayla secura or ashoka tano from star wars. i know there is a twi'lek mod for oblivion so if converting a mod is easier than making one(which i gues is because the meshes and textures are allready existing) than it would be great if someone could convert that somehow. so to make my long story short: i'd love a companion mod which is ashoka tano from star wars the clone wars, i would be happy with a new vegas version or a skyrim version. and i would love to have a twi'lek or togruta race mod for skyrim. i would seriously love a companion mod from ashoka. thanks in advance.


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I strongly agree with you, I love her, she's one of the best female characters of the entire Star Wars saga, together with Ayla Secura and Shaak-ti :)

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