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dressing: ancient origins, from the Roman empire, seen as a way to escape roles and reality (no sexuality intended, roots of Carnival)

transexual/transgender: someone who feels he should be of the opposite sex, and therefore feels inadequate

homosexual: someone who has feelings/pulsions for people of his same gender

heterosexual: someone who has feelings/pulsions for people of the opposite gender

bisexual: a union of the two

pansexual: example, Alexander the Great, who enjoyed his wife as well as Ephaistion as well as dancers as well as cross-dressed dancers

asexual: absolutely indifferent to anything


i was using that as a ref... oh well. i'll go with omnisexual :) sounds cooler hahaha

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I think it would be cool to have some kind of crossdressing mod for fallout 3 ...yhea i looked and didn't really find anything. Then again this isn't Second Life...or my room :wink: . Crossdressing for me anyway is a more emotional thing. Yhea im BI and I feel crossdressing makes me feel...well pretty :wub: and it gives more variety to life. I usually do it for my boyfriend and have never done it in public. IDK thats my 2 cents ;D
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People can act as weird as they want to in a free country, just don't expect to be received with open arms by everyone. I don't and wouldn't associate with people that practice strange behavior like this. And if my kid asks a question about people like this, I will have to tell him that is strange and not normal, and its not good to act like that.


And you know what, I think calling Vagrant a bigot, just because he didn't approve of this kind of behavior, is very narrow minded. And according to the rest of the post, I guess that makes me a bigot too. This has always been a fringe practice in society, don't expect to be treated like it is normal behavior.


In any free society, you can act like this, but there are also consequences for these actions, people will label you, and make assumptions based on what they see, and if you have the right to act strange, I also have the right to my opinion about people who act strange.






This topic is closed due to thread necromancy. -myrmaad


Why am I a bigot again? Oh yeah, because I believed (and still do) the topic to be one which is not appropriate for these forums not because of some moral doctrine, but because there are many aspects which are not suitable for discussion among the general population, and that certain parts of CD/TG culture are steeped in personally and socially destructive elements, as well as being related to some fringe behaviors which would cause even a prepared and open minded adult to have pause. If you're talking about that seedy, destructive stuff which many of these persons are pushed to because the rest of society does not have the language to even understand their situation, then yes, I do not approve. But that's only because I expect better from society and rightfully disapprove of anyone who takes advantage of a person or groups of people desperate to belong and feel normal. Not that this is every case mind you, just that many are simply trapped between the labels of society and can be exploited or abused because of it. Don't think that makes me a bigot though. For the record. - Vagrant0

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