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Three Weird Problems


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Been modding since Oblivion but I am having a few issues with my most current ModList and not sure where to begin looking.

1. I get these black stripes down the back of my candles. I contacted LeanWolf, tried list without her mod...wasn't it. I thought maybe Ruins Clutter Improved v2 since it was recently updated...also not it.

All candles affected except for Horncandles 4K by Kajuan.

2. Glowing mushrooms and other random items which are supposed to glow, do not glow.

Had RUSTIC ANIMATED POTIONS and POISONS working before...now not working.

Had Taproot 1K by Achronos working before...now not working

Unread Books Glow works though!

Not sure where to begin looking for this problem.

3. I am using Mindflux Fern Meshes with EWI texture...but ferns occasionally look smeared where there are a lot of ferns (ex. Skyforge with JK's Skyrim)...also not sure what could cause this.They were fine before. May have to go back to Renthal311 ferns.

Otherwise everything else looking VERY amazing!


Skyrim 2011 ModList on Modwatch



Quite a few mods will not be listed due to the fact that I combine and merge quite a bit. Such as Gamwich mods for example...using almost all of them.




i7-4790K @ 4.0GHz
16GB DDR3 2400 @ CL10
256GB SSD x 2 (Steam and Skyrim on non-OS SSD)
GTX 1070 8GB
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

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Disable Skyrim particle patch and see if there are any changes.


That's actually a great suggestion. If I'm not mistaken, it has been some time since that particle patch has been updated. You might have nailed it! I also recently switched from the JawZ atmosphere mesh version because I was getting some bizarre blockiness in the horizon. Decided to try the all in one version, which is probably even older.


I am in the process of re-modding WITHOUT any particle patch...which it's kind of weird because I was planning to leave it out anyway...just for different reasons. Doing Vivid Weathers version of Tetrachromatic ENB so I can see if I can get my snowflakes to behave better.


Still doing all other candle related mods, RCI, SMIM...switching to Renthal's Sword Ferns though. About 90% the same.


Will let you know how it goes and thank you very much for this suggestion. :smile:


...OK...that solved the no glow problem and the smeared fern meshes...still cannot figure out the candles though.

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HornCandle and Ultimate HD candle flames might have a compatibility issue.


Disable Ultimate HD candle and see if that fixes the problem


I spoke too soon!


After playing for about 6 hours my glowing objects stopped glowing again. That's without any particle patch at all. So the mystery continues!


Some pictures of Glowing Mushrooms not glowing:






I remember hearing some mod author say that there are only so many layers for reflection and glow for armors. So I am wondering if the same may be true for other items.



Switching to Renthal311 ferns caused them to turn out way too big for whatever reason...so I switched back to Mindflux fern meshes with EWI textures. This is what I meant by smearing:









Thanks to mushroombandit who posted on the Ruins Clutter Improved mod page, I went back to Ruins Clutter Improved v 2.8 and candles are perfect again.

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Not sure why the Mushrooms would stop glowing.


One way to fix it could be to download another mod for it.



Go to files section and under Miscellaneous there is an option for glowing mushrooms. My personal choice.

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I have had issues with the particle patch causing crashes myself. But in your case it looks like you dont pay attention to compatibility and dont test things as you go. (probably the most common mistake people make)


Always read descriptions and avoid installing two mods that do the same things unless the author says they are fine to use together.


For example i use Real Names and People are strangers. They both have a stranger option but the author of Real Names explicitly states they are OK and actually recommended to use together. Always TES TEST TEST and read descriptions and do your reasearch. Dont just lazily slap mods in. Thats how you end up making threads like these.


I use probably 75% of gamwichs mods myself. So good choice there :smile: He is one of the top texture people in the community IMO.

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I actually do read every mod page and try to pay attention to compatibility. But...have I missed something? What are you saying is not compatible?


As far as testing things as I go...I never quite understood how to do that after every mod...especially when many of them are dependent upon each other.


I also try to avoid installing mods that do the same things...but in some case I find it necessary if there is something I don't like.


Pretty much been running about 90% the same modlist for years and only add a few new mods at a time to see how it goes.


When a mod gets updated, I try to use the most recent to ensure SMIM and USLEEP compatibility. With the most recent RCI...it seems to have backfired though.


Yes Gamwich is definitely one of my favorite mod authors. I use about 95% of his stuff. I also use all non-Book of Silence aMidianBorn armor textures and every mod that Kajuan creates...good stuff!


My past two times playing...the glow has been working for everything...not sure why it started working on its own.


I suspect that the Mindflux ferns may be having problems with Verdants esp controlled fern clusters...tring to figure it out so that I don't have to give up either.


Worse case scenario I may try Tamriel Reloaded grasses again instead.

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