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Sneak+Archery Rebalance


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You're right. It does need to be balanced.


I think that having four arrows protruding from a man's head before he falls dead is insane.



Or 4 Daedric level arrows in an iron chainmail covered heart.



My point is, I feel like there are different ways to make archery better than simply nerfing it.

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I think headshots are already there.


I was just fighting an insanely hard dragon...which I had to pull out all the stops just to beat....man am I loving Deadly Dragons.

They're still a pain even on my original character. I mean....I can still pretty much 10 shot them with my arrow if I use my super Fortify Archery potions but...WOW I still don't want to be hit by them hahaha.


Anyway, a dragon attacked Riverwood, so I had to hide in the forge to dodge its frost breath and pull out my Infernal Blast spell on its ass. Finally he was too weak to fly and landed across the river next...to the wood...cutters....place....hmph, wouldn't'a thunk it...Well suffice to say, he was looking pretty pathetic sitting their groveling over how weak he was against fire and so I started pelting him with arrows. Thank the f*** Christ I had a butt load of Ebony ones, otherwise it would have taken forever...which...it still kinda did. But he was looking directly at me and I was completely visible, while in the sneak stance. He was even breathing frost at me which couldn't really reach me all the way. With my eagle eye, I started to shoot him in the face....well every time I shot him in the face, it said "Sneak attack x3.0". But everywhere else I hit him, it took normal damage...which didn't really show.


If by balancing, you mean, giving bows some extra oomph with there sneak attack, I agree, since it makes more since that a sneak attack from a bow would mean you had time to carefully pick the spot that you're shooting and hit the vital area while they're unaware. I'm kind of turned off, every time I shoot an arrow at the guy, silently roll back into position, shoot the guy again, rinse repeat.


Otherwise, I think it's fine since it CAN get pretty gross if you make it.

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