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False "save corruption" during gameplay


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will continue this tonight. my youngest daqughter is going off to camp and i need to go shopping with her.


Hahaha! I have a young daughter too (how old is she?)... I'll wait, mate. I'll wait your suggestions/instruction, before I'll... re-uninstall the damn game and re-install it again! JESUS...!

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Mine is half of yours...


Anyways... I found after a user's discovery, that several mods I'm using they have "form 43" and not "form 44" - which means they haven't properly converted for SSE use.
Should be THAT my problem, in this saves corrupted issue? Could be MY CASE?

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So, any ideas to solve that damn issue? (You saw my pics with the results above).


I'm about to delete everything and re-start (install) from scratch... again... for... 50th time, can't recall!

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Dont install all those mods at once. Cut down by 1/3. Then try to play test. Seriously. Remember the definition of insanity. Can't be more specific until late. Busy day. Finishing up outdoor barbecue , rib eye and tbones! Then we are lighting up fireworks . God bless the USA!
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But... I AM playing and testing, before I proceed! Check here, this is my Skyrim SE guide page, here on Nexus:




As I'm writing and suggesting, I'm telling to the users to TEST FIRST and then proceed to the next "Step". But the problem here is... that this SAVES CORRUPTED issue... appears A LOT TIME AFTER you start playing (over 15-20 minutes, even more)! So... how am I suppose to know that the problem re-appeared???? Do I have to playing... 1-2 hrs to find out, to continue modding????


(Btw... I'm not that "patriotic" type. I don't believe in NATIONS & FLAGS. I'm an "EARTH-MAN", born, living and LOVING/RESPECTING my "country" & "home"... this PLANET).

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Yes, you do.


I would install your high priority mods while checking a test save after each until you are at about 20,000 strings. Then play for two hours. If all is well try going as high as 5,000 below your corrupted save, no more. You need the buffer past level 20, specially after 30.

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Did Bethesda updated recently the game?

I mean... I didn't have SO MUCH issues before, with far larger build. Why do I have now, with almost the same mod-setup??? I never ever installed 20 mods and played for 2 hrs and then 5 more and played for 2 hrs.

I was always installing 20-30+ mods, testing a bit (5-10 minutes), and continue... to finish all my build and THEN started a new game. And NEVER had issues.

WHY NOW this changed???

Did (Bethesda) did something???

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You have two choices. Try something new, or keep asking those questions until the next elder scrolls title is released. Bethesda right now is very busy thinking of new ways to entice us to buy the same game over and over.


What do you have to lose? You already know that reinstalling the game will not help you.

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