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False "save corruption" during gameplay


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Yeah, that's the problem in a nutshell - usual method of testing doesn't work as the problem can take a random amount of hours to appear and we've compared our mod lists already, so we know for sure that it's not a specific mod. Number of somehow similar mods, possibly, but we don't have a criteria to unify them. And I've started a new game with auto-save disabled before, yes, played it for a couple of hours and still got this issue. There is a known bug with Skyrim - loading a save game after dying without restarting a game can sometimes break things - so I avoid doing it too. I'm not doing quick saves as well - only manual ones.


EDIT: and I've tried the game without Achievements Enabler too =) It was my first guess, actually.

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I use Achievement Enabler also Sky UI 2.2 and have autosaves on but i save manual often.

Game is still stable when i dont test my luck with crafting.


I guess i accept it that it it is not solvable and that it will happen again if i add mods.


Edit : Sky UI not Skse

Edited by Leagacy of Morrorwind
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Well, that's rendered the whole thing academic for me. The hard drive on which I had my Steam library, my Skyrim setup, all my mods and a bunch of other important stuff just turned itself into a paperweight.


It might be a good idea (if you don't regularly) to check the drives you've got Skyrim on, just in case this problem is hardware-related and nothing to do with the game at all. I don't know. Just a suggestion.


I am a little gutted right now. A lot of tedious reinstallation, locating and installing all the tools again, and then, whoop-te-do, start again from the beginning. And I was getting somewhere that time, bug or no bug. I just killed Miraak, for pete's sake.


If, when I've put everything back the way I want it, I am bug-free, be sure I'll let you know.


See you in a few days. :(



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It's ok. String count is naturally growing with the game time and most mods add hundreds, sometimes thousands of strings upon activation. String count was an issue in Oldrim - passing 65536 broke saves for good. It was discovered about a year ago and fixed with SKSE and excellent "Crash fixes". This bug shouldn't be relevant in SSE anymore,


Why not? That's an unsigned 16bit integer, and if Bethesda didn't (actively) change it, the limit still applies.


Still reading the thread, sorry if this was pointed out later already.

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Alright, I've read the thread. Interesting problem. Some obersvations:


- Even veterans make mistakes sometimes. Do not rule out any particular mod because it was written by an experienced modder. More of a general thing, since it seems likely that it's not a single mod causing this, but still.


- From what I understand, the saves aren't actually corrupt, the game just thinks it is. Further, I understand that, when the issue appears, you can save, restart, and reload, is that correct? If so, this rules out any general damage to the data itself.


- From what I have seen and read, it seems Skyrim does not clean its own memory correctly when you subsequently load a saved game without restarting Skyrim. Do try to keep an eye on this - does the "false corruption" show even if you did not load a save after the initial load to continue playing? (I hope you know what I mean.) This is of course just a hunch.


- The SKSE guys may be able to help a lot here; do they know what could damage the section of memory the load game or "check validity of savegame" routines reside in?


- You should also compare what version of Windows you use, what language it is set to, and whether you have any "non standard" aspects in your install. Simple example - non-English path to the game, special characters in item or character names, what have you.


- Make sure you don't run any ENB, sweetfx or other injectors. You don't want to mess with dll's in situations like these.


- If the problem does occur reliably even if you stand in place for some time, then any resource that is loaded or unloaded dynamically, or script that runs on a regular basis, could be the culprit. I don't know how Skyrim specifically works under the hood, but weathers have been suggested; I guess it could be sounds, NPCs/equipment/textures for the same, it could be AI scripts, or any other general housekeeping scripts that Skyrim runs.


- The problem could be situational, for example, it could be related to a script that only runs at night, when it rains, and there are guards nearby. When the corrupt save thing occurs, try to keep track of recent conditions in-game. I understand you may not notice the problem immediately after the trigger, but it's worth-while to keep this in mind.

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That's very useful! Thank you, rbartmoss. The answer to the question in paragraph three is yes, it does. I never load in-game anyway if I can avoid it. I think we may all be a bit reluctant to disturb the SKSE guys while they're trying to work on SKSE, for obvious reasons, but yes, they may very well know something that could help.


In the matter of general, probably useless, information, I have now rebuilt my modlist. I did not test each mod for three hours before going on to the next, sadly, but since the Bug *is* showing up now in my game, on a clean new install, we can rule out leftover scripts from a dumped mod as being the problem. Everything was installed in the best possible order so as to minimise overwriting, all the ported Oldrim mods were NIF optimised and resaved in CK, and as far as I can tell all the mods are working fine. (Haven't got to Whiterun yet, but I have done a fair bit around Falkreath, and BFB of course.) Usual stuttering between Helgen and Riverwood, but that's about it apart from our friend the Bug. I tried a Reshade thingy on my last playthrough, but it didn't make any difference that I could see so I haven't bothered with it this time. Never used ENB--couldn't work out how to install it. The game looks fabulous without it anyway.


You make a very good point. The Bug does crop up even if I leave the game paused while I'm doing something else. I haven't actually timed how long it takes to show up--what I should probably do is play for an hour or two uninterrupted (that would be nice!) looking at the saves at regular intervals to see when they go kafurtle. And then leave it paused for the same length of time and see if it happens then. Keeping track of weather and such would be good as well.


Again, thank you.




Current modlist:


# This file is used by the game to keep track of your downloaded content.
# Please do not modify this file.
*Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
*Cutting Room Floor.esp
*Ducks and Swans.esp
*iNeed - Extended.esp
*Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp
*Vivid Weathers Utilities.esp
*Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul.esp
*Book Covers Skyrim.esp
*Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul - Skyrim.esp
*Solitude Expansion.esp
*Nordic Carriage Company.esp
*YOT - Your Own Thoughts.esp
*Sorted - Correspondence_BCS.esp
*Book of UUNP Iron And Steel.esp
*Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp
*Populated Lands Roads Paths Legendary.esp
*Point The Way.esp
*Immersive Weapons.esp
*more idle markers.esp
*Run For Your Lives.esp
*better vanilla perks.esp
*Blowing in the Wind SSE.esp
*CLARALUX SSE - Blowing in the Wind.esp
*Raven Rock.esp
*Sorted - Potions_Poisons.esp
*Vivid WeathersSE.esp
*KS Hairdo's.esp
*Mors Feminine Females - All.esp
*TCIY_BCS Patch.esp
*Enchanting Freedom.esp
*HearthFire Display Case Fix.esp
*Perk Points and More Gold for Bounty Quests.esp
*Aesthetic Elisif.esp
*Populated Cities Towns Villages Legendary.esp
*RSChildren - ACK.esp
*RSChildren - Complete.esp
*Convenient Horses.esp
*Disband the Thieves Guild.esp
*RealisticWaterTwo - iNeed.esp
*Ars Metallica.esp
*Sorted - Miscellaneous_CCS_ARS_SKY.esp
*SFCO - CRF Patch.esp
*SFCO - Multiple Adoptions Patch.esp
*Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library.esp
*Sorted - Food_Drink_CTF_SKY.esp
*Hunterborn - Campfire Patch.esp
*Sorted - Spells_CTF.esp
*YOT - Campfire.esp
*YOT - iNeed.esp
*Sorted - Ammo.esp
*Sorted - Ingredients.esp
*Sorted - Keys_CTF.esp
*Sorted - Recipes_ARS.esp
*Sorted - Scrolls_CTF.esp
*Sorted - Skill Books_Alt1_BCS_LL.esp
*Sorted - Tomes_CTF.esp
*Smart Automatic Attribute Leveling.esp
*S2B Special Edition.esp
*Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
*Salt Mining.esp
*notice board.esp
*unburden special edition.esp
*more plants all extra.esp
*Random Vampire Attacks in Towns Disabled.esp
*A Better Magelight - Enhanced.esp
*Improved Dragonrend Shout.esp
*CLARALUX SSE - Point the Way.esp
*Cannabis Skyrim SE.esp
*The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
*CLARALUX SSE - Windstad Mine.esp
*CLARALUX SSE - Heljarchen Farm.esp
*Solar's Portable Crafting.esp
*Blowing in the Wind - SMIM Merged All Patch SSE.esp
*AK- Boethiah Alternate.esp
*Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp
*Apocalypse - Cheat Chests.esp
*Quieter Dungeons and Caves.esp
*Rebalanced Leveled Lists.esp
*Definitive Hearthfire Supllies.esp
*SSE High Quality Music.esp
*Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
*Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp
*Seraphim - PrettyCourier.esp
*Compound Bow Collection.esp
*True Eyes SE.esp
*Book of UUNP-CloaksSkyrim Patch.esp
*AK- Namira for Good Guys.esp
*S2BSE Apocalypse Spells Addon.esp
*My Home Is Your Home.esp
*Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
*Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp
*Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
*RDO - EFF v4.0.2 Patch.esp
*SFCO - Alternate Start Patch.esp
*RAO - Alternate Start Patch.esp
*Bashed Patch, 0.esp


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