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False "save corruption" during gameplay


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only in the sense that it may increase strings. I play with a 600 carry weight 24x7. Part of the options in my sot mod. I love carrying one each of all magical bows.

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Yea, and a lot of others will increase it to 10000+ and never have to worry about carry weight again. Everyone does it lol, but if this is what's killing us we need to rule it out. It's either that or Dialogue, because whenever that occurs npc's no longer speak.

Edited by phantompuck
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I actually keep my carry weight fairly stock, except for the addition of bandoliers, and if I remember, I give an extra 5 carry weight per stamina level, which I generally don't level that much. The only time I ever really noticed an issue was in FO4 where I literaly had 2k+ worth of weight in my inv, I've been at that point in Skyrim but never actually noticed any slowdowns because of it. That could be because I just don't remember it specifically, or it's just been so long that I forgot any issue.


*edit* forgot to clarify issue. --And the only issue that it ever caused me at the time was slowdowns during inventory transfer, such as selling to a vendor or moving items to store in a chest.

Edited by Gothpunk4Christ
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Slight update... just swapped around a few mods (got rid of a couple AI mods) and installed almost all of the Mihail mods, ran around till about level 5, started getting the unrecruitable followers bug and then tried to save and reload and got the bug. At level 5. Usually it's level 25+ before this starts. Loaded up resaver and my strings are below 33K, at the time the bug was happening. Uninstalled a few of those (improper skeletons attached with new textures was really annoying anyways, shooting through the giant creatures but only hitting them if you aim at the empty space between their legs, etc,) and going to play around some more.

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I've increased my carry weight excessively, I have a ton of junk in my inventory I haven't sold off yet. I know a lot of people get annoyed with carry weight as well. Do you think this problem may come from having to much in your inventory?


Game has to save the details of every item held somewhere.


I keep my carry weight stock, only improving it a bit by investing in stamina or using the bags and pouches mod. Still get the bug.


fyi: I just reinstalled skyrim se virgin and nothing else. did a string check, its: 26,847 . All that is used before you even walk 1 step.


So what you are saying is that the number of strings at the beginning of a playthrough on stock Skyrim is 27k. A few mods get it up to 33k and that would cause this bug? Doubt it more and more.

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My personal experience is that at 35,000 strings my save is toast. And around level 20. By then I have activated countless quests.

I ONCE got this at 33K and level 5.


I know something is aggravating the issue, just need to figure out exactly what. Was also trying to go back to LE but it stopped registering keyboard input. Pfft. AAAAnd now it works.

Edited by Gothpunk4Christ
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have still the issue however the weird thing in my case is I can mod it to oblivion, but if I put something in that touches the menu's skylight, skyui 2.2, VIS, or some other mod that touches the item menu's/crafting menu's and I have it back within 20 minutes uninstalling that mod (whatever I use at that moment) and the saves are back to normal ...very weird.

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