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Help with minor problem


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"normal" Mods have an .esp file, which you'll extract or copy into your "Data" folder. In this Folder, there are some subfolders: "Meshes" and "Sound" for instance. If your mod has more than an .esp File, it will most certainly have some Files that have to be in that Folders for the Mod to work properly. There will be, in most cases, Folders in the Directory of the Mod which are named like the Folders in your Data Folder. Copy "Meshes" from the downloaded Mod to your Data Folder onto the Meshes Folder which is already there. Repeat this with the Sounds Folder.


If you have an .obmm File, thats something different. You'll need to download the Oblivion mod manager first. Start it up, You will see a green Checkbox for every .obmm modfile in the Datafolder. "Activate" it and start the Game.

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Okay ill tell yah i was a noob once too at this.


LOOK IN THE TROUBLESHOOTING SECTION please. (next time) Openfilelocation, open download drag data file to oblivion file and when it asks do you want to merge say yes. it doesnt overwrite anything. it just merges the data file contents of the download to the data contents in your oblivion subdirectory. Either open from your desktop by right clicking and clicking on open file location, open open it from the start menu. Its actually so freaken easy it goes over alot of peoples heads. Much easier then say anyother game outhere........OBSE is different though so when you download that READ THE READ ME..Actually ALWAYS read the read me in a download. If it doesnt have one dont use it. 99.9% of the time the mod isnt good if it doesnt have a read me. Lhammonds, Exnem, Tdas, and midas for example as author names are ones you can Gaurantee work and they have pretty good READ MEs. PLEASE always read the read me. remeber no read me no good probably. I wouldnt trust it.


You'll see alot of people get mad and annoyed cause this stuff goes right over heads. Its actually so easy its ridicoulous. Just remeber to make sure you started oblivion, went to Data files and marked the "modname".esp, or esm. then play game and enjoy. But i cant stress it enough, if it has a read me.......read it. Alot of armor mods ( good ones ) have quests or something where you have to find the armor. and it has details in the read me. I think thats why its called a "read me". And get 7zip. winRAR is junk. ( no offense.) i started playing oblivion about 10 days ago and already have over 50 or so mods running at once. And i havent downloaded anything yet that ruined anything yet which is great cause if it dont have screenshots, a good rating and/or alot of downloads to it i wont use it. in the rules section of the forum one of the admint guys warn about bad mods. Read that also.


I want everybody to enjoy playing/making mods, cause its fun. Always, Always read the read me.

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