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Crafting gladius sword CTD


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Feels like the weapon does not have meshes or textures thus causing a ctd or a conflict with another mod.


First what is the weapon gladius that you are using. Did you check said mod forum to see if folks complained that they also had issues with it?

Hi, I'm shure that sword is part of a mod but I don't know exactly which one has that weapon, I installed a bunch of weapons mod at the same time.

I did, I google that weapon but I could find nothing. How can I check the meshes or texture?



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Honestly the easiest answer would be..to go craft another weapon and ignore the gladius if this is only thing that is causing a ctd. The standard questions is..just what exactly is your mod load order. Did you clean your edit scripts and use loot to put your mods in the optimal order? Those are standards things you have to do in order to have the optimum experience in modding. The gladius is a imperial weapon, kinda easy to figure out where it comes from canon textures that somehow a mod might have changed the values of it to something the engine cannot handle. Did you install a weapons or a quest mod with gear from old skyrim without bothering upgrading the mesh files?


Usually the meshes and textures files are located in the skyrim/data/meshes/(insert mod mesh folders) and it is the same thing with textures.

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I use LOOT and the load order and parently is ok. I have some 'errors' with LOOT that I fixed with SSEEdit but the issue persist. I don't install mods for the old Skyrim.

I don't want to craft that weapon, but I can't go any further of that weapon in the Steel section, is there any way that I can avoid that weapon?

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