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Visual lock variety


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Skyrim has a nice variety of chests and doors throughout the entire region, ranging from the steampunk dwemer chests and iron wrought gates to mostly wooden footlockers and doors.

But they only have one kind of lock.

What I suggest is a mod that gives each type of chest and door its own unique lock (perhaps going as far as to making varieties within the same theme depending on the difficulty of the lock so a master locked footlocker looks similar to a novice locked footlocker while still being of obviously superior craftsmanship).

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This never even crossed my mind, but I fully endorse the idea!

From a programmer's perspective (but with no elder scrolls modding knowledge what so ever) it seems kind of hard to do,

since the "keyhole window" probably has no knowledge of what object the keyhole is from. I don't know how hard it would be to add these parameters. (I could be wrong off course ^^)


Not to mention all the work it would take to actually create all the keyhole textures ^^

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