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What are the must-have mods for pervs?


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Serious question. Please try to stay on topic and keep the personal comments to a minimum.



Exnem's nude version is a good start and there are a lot of good clothing mods, but I was looking for something more like a complete bondage dungeon. Suggestions anyone?

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these mods are as close to what you are looking for as you will find here. I found these in about 7 seconds by doing an advanced search in descriptions for the word "sex". the advanced search is very handy, you should try it out.





Edit:hey leave the poor little perv alone guys.

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Why does everyone want to get something they like and recreate in oblivion? Anyway, Go play fable (seriously), or download some porn (not as seriously). Or both at once. You're choice.
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Must haves for pervs? How about a brain? Pervs could always use a brain, seeing as how they lost theirs. "Try to keep the personal comments to a minimum?" Are you joking? Not only are you asking for sex mods, but you're admitting that you're a pervert right in the title! I guess, though, you're being honest, and honesty is never a bad thing. However, you're still asking for game porn, and that's sad. If you really want this stuff, search for it. Don't come asking us; that's just begging to be insulted.
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Had you done even the slightest bit of searching, you would have found that these types of requests are always met with brutal hostility. Modders, even though they may create something that "honors" the body, still tend to have a strong aversion to their work being referred to as porn or for pervs as you put it. It can be taken as a direct insult to their hard work, and rightly so. The rest of the community reacts negatively towards these requests because of the unwanted attention they bring. Someone creates a custom race of Gnomes, someone else creates a nude mod. Then some jackass combines the two and suddenly fox news runs a two hour story saying that we are all pedophiles.


To your original post, there may be mods that are commonly used by perverts, freaks, fetishists and whatever, but this is a responsible and respectable community, so here you will not find anything specifically intended to quell your deviant sexual urges. And should such items already exist, no one here is going to direct you to them.


That little red and white "X" at the top-right of you monitor screen, go ahead and click that.

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