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Models crashing CK, and other .nif issues.


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Hey everyone


If there are any experienced weapon modders out there who might be willing to help with some .nif issues, I am pretty much stumped at this point.


One model crashes CK every time I load it to anything, I cant find a single thing in nifskope that looks wrong, so I really don't even know what else to do at this point.


Another one could have something wrong too, CK won't attach 3D to it's grip or magazine models, but again they look fine in nifskope to me, so I'm not sure what I am doing wrong at this point.


If you have questions about it let me know, I can also post screenshots or whatever else I need to help

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Some screenshots or more description of what is in the .nif would be nice, since there are many things that can be set incorrectly in a .nif to make it crash the game or to not work.


Some things that are absolutely guaranteed to crash the CK when previewing a .nif or the game when a .nif is loaded are:

  • Shared strings between nodes
  • Incorrect filepaths to materials in BSShaderLightingProperty

These two are pretty commonly reproduced. When you're dealing with weapons and attach points, make sure that the attach points that are defined in the parent .nif have the requisite keywords for attaching child mods, as defined in the parent .nif, and that those other mods use those same keywords and are defined as whatever relevant child mods in each respective .nif. It's a structure that's basically mirrored between plugin/record data and .nif data.

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So far these have been crashing the CK when I use them for anything, the others don't load in game. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I know there's something I'm doing wrong haha


The first one worked fine before I re-worked the mesh some, but it shouldn't really be any different than it was when it sort of worked previously.

Edited by iconoclastts
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Now, I'm not entirely sure if either of these is a major issue but I seem to remember having trouble with not updating some arrays like these to not include null data: WqFehcu9.jpg


In the header info and in block details for the root node.


If you ran any meshes through bodystudio, did you accidentally save them with skin information? You can check and see if the vf_skinned flag is checked in the " in block details of each BSTriShape.

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