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petition to bring Dark Souls for PC


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That is all.


Also, I didn't make this. I'm a thief.


Why a floppy disk!?


Why Steam would be a better question

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I'm more interested in the dollar signs, what does money have to do with PC's specifically?


What i assume they're implying there is that the maker of said poster thinks that because the PC community is very interested in this title if it is presented to us then we'll buy it. Lots of sales = lots of money.

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We've received an official response!


Damn you are amazing!

I honestly wasn't expecting such a massive support. My boss(es) even came to talk to me about this, after it explodes all around the world. If you wanted to have the attention of Namco Bandai Games, now you have it.

The future is in your hands, and I hope you will keep supporting this.

I make a personal objective to make sure every relevant people in Namco Bandai Games is in touch with this formidable effort.

Great Thanks!


Here's the source: http://forums.namcobandaigames.eu/showthread.php?t=96407&page=55

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