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Finishing moves done to the player character


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Can you disable these? I have a fairly low health pool to try and keep the game challenging but certain enemies are killing me even though I have tons of health left. I'm not completely against them, I just don't like not having the chance to defend myself. If I could set it to only happen when I'm 10% or something that would be even better than disabling them completely.
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I'd like something like this as well. In Oblivion, it would have made more sense because stamina was useless in vanilla.


In Skyrim, stamina is used for sprinting. I don't think we really need to risk insta-kills if we run low on stamina to make it useful, :)

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I'd like something like this as well. In Oblivion, it would have made more sense because stamina was useless in vanilla.


In Skyrim, stamina is used for sprinting. I don't think we really need to risk insta-kills if we run low on stamina to make it useful, :)


Stamina affects whether an enemy performs a finisher on you? I've been thinking it was health but this makes some sense because I use two handed weapons and do a lot of power attacks.

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That's what I first thought as well, but at least a couple times I've been subjected to a finisher when I've only been hit once or twice. Maybe I'm wrong (I generally play without a hud), but I don't think my health could disappear so quickly from a simple bandit, since from others I can take a dozen hits.


Of course, it's also possible that the guy was just hitting like a sledgehammer (I turn off the entire hud, so I have no way of knowing if he's a chieftan or other 'miniboss') and that it is based on health already.

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I think when a finishing move is performed on you, you've aleady lost the remainder of your life.


NO. I have been plowed by these move when I had at least half health which was like 100 hit points. I personally think those finishing moves are when a enemy gets a critical (which does more damage then normal) and it depleats your health. I think this because it seem when those moves are used it always does like 3-4X times the normal damage on you, taking the rest of your health even if you have like 35% left.

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the crit hit would be my guess, cause i've one hit instakilled enemies before. i think if a high enough opponent does a crit hit, you're health drops like a rock. and if the instant deathcam is triggered it can be caused by that first hit instead of the following one. once or twice i've been instakilled on the first hit (not fun). the forsworn briars (spelling?) with the dual weapons seem to do a hell of a lot of damage too, just to keep in mind. one of those SOBs did that 3 hit spinning combo on me... only hit me with the last strike (so the first two missed completely) brought me down to a sliver of health, my red bar was nearly full before then. (like 400-500 max hp with the armor enchantments counted) and over 800 armor points too (not bad for light armor). so just what exactly is going on i wonder?
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