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How do I decrease a radio station volume in dialogue in GECK?


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Howdy cats and chicks. I'm making a radio station to New Vegas, and I'm near to finish it. But I've already tested it, and in dialogue, it gets hard to hear what the NPC is saying; and If decrease the '' Radio'' sound in the menu, It gets hard to hear it during the standart gameplay too. Recently, I've found some radio station mods that decrease the music sound when in dialogue, but I still don't know how do I do that by myself in GECK, you dig it?
Do someone knows how to do it? I'd be very thankful!

Thanks you.

( Sorry for my english tho, not my native language xD )

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How about "Begin MenuMode 1009" If you can then find some way to decrease the radio volume specifically.


But I suppose you could use "SetBroadcastState" Or have a silent topic ... and then use "StartRadioConversation"


Both using the "Begin MenuMode 1009" which is the dialogue menu.





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How about "Begin MenuMode 1009" If you can then find some way to decrease the radio volume specifically.


But I suppose you could use "SetBroadcastState" Or have a silent topic ... and then use "StartRadioConversation"


Both using the "Begin MenuMode 1009" which is the dialogue menu.





Hey dude, thanks for replying. I'm actually really new to GECK, so its kind of hard to understand what you are trying to explain me. How can I use/open this '' Begin MenuMode'' you're talking about? Thanks!

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It is scripting ... which is why I posted those links.


You would make a script ... suggest a quest type script ... that looks like this.




SCN MyDialogueMuteScript


Begin MenuMode 1009


MyRadioStation.SetBroadcastState 0




Begin GameMode


MyRadioStation.SetBroadcastState 1






The colored text is what you make up for the name.

But that scritpt probably needs some variables to determine if the radio station was playing/broadcasting prior to the dialogue. Otherwise I think it might broadcast the radio on your pipboy selection anytime you are in game mode. But then again maybe not ... might work just fine as is.

Edited by Mktavish
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