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Fever jobs. Thieve's Guild former glory [XB1]


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I know mods that do this already exist for PC, but there are none atm for Xbone. Doing the 125 jobs is NOT very tempting, and my head explodes every time I load up CK.


If someone could make(or port) this for XB1? Like 10 jobs instead of 125?

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Where do you get 125 jobs? You only need to do 5 per major city (Markarth, Solitude, Whiterun, and Windhelm) in order to advance to the final Thieves Guild quest "Under New Management". 5 x 4 = 20. All you need to do is cancel the quest if it isn't for one of those cities.

From UESP wiki

  • Note: If you quicksave immediately after the dialogue ends, and before the quest is displayed on screen, you can quickload until you get a quest in the city you want. This can be useful if you want to focus your efforts on cities in which you have not yet completed restoring the Guild's status. You can also simply quit the quests, which will be marked as failed in your journal, then select new ones. You can do this an infinite number of times with no consequences.


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