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Trees and shrubs wigging out


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After adding a few mods, including the newest Deadly Dragons and Dramatic Clouds, for some reason certain trees and shrubs are stretching into long lines into the sky. Before, it was stuck on low quality settings for a while but I managed to fix that but the stretched flora still persists.


I'm using

ATI Radeon HD 4650

Intel Core2 Duo CPU

3gb Ram



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I've restarted my PC, reinstalled many times, uninstalled mods, checked my graphics card settings, everything. I even tried other games to see if the graphics were wigged out there and everything is fine. I...have absolutely no idea what to do about these damn trees.




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Try to set the fTreeLoadDistance to 0 in skyrimprefs.ini. It doesnt actually disable trees, dont worry but it helped some people with this problem. I've seen many threads about this and by the looks of it, this is a problem with the game engine not being able to properly use vertextexturefetch on some ATI cards.
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