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OBSE not working


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I installed OBSE and Mod Organizer and MO detects that its installed and OBSE Tester says this: OBSE not working properly. one of to things, not installed correctly or you can also run obse_loader.exe to get it working properly. I have the Steam version so if I run obse_loader.exe it says I need to run the game through steam, so what do I do to fix this?




I followed this video on installing OBSE (

) Edited by akiresenpai
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OBSE needs to be installed manually (i.e. copy and paste) and also needs to be installed in the actual game folders, not MO's virtual folder system. There are also some settings I believe need to be adjusted in MO ... search for posts made by Contrathetix on the subject of MO and OBSE. Anything I know about MO has come from reading those posts.

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All you have to do is copy the files from obse to the Oblivion directory. I really wouldn't use MO (Mod Organizer) for Oblivion. It doesn't have OMOD support, and it's not optimized etc. Because of this, you will run into problems like what you're experiencing.


Instead, use TES Mod Manager, which can be found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5010/?


TES Mod Manager is an updated version of OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager). You could use it for Skyrim, but stick with MO in that case.

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tired that and followed steps for installing and still won't work



Hi Akiresenpai,


I'm also using the Steam version of Oblivion, and I since a few days, I started modding the game using OBMM and OBSE, and I really have no issue whatsoever.


Here are the steps I did to make everything work fine :


- Download the latest version of OBSE (v0021) here : http://obse.silverlock.org/

- Extract the files somewhere easy like your desktop.

- Inside the new file, you will have 9 items.

- Copy obse_1_2_416.dll , obse_editor_1_2.dll , obse_loader , obse_steam_loader.dll and the folder src.

- Paste these 5 items right inside your Oblivion main folder (where your Oblivion.exe is).

- Open the Data folder and paste the OBSE folder inside (the last folder you didn't copy yet).


When you want to play Oblivion, don't forget to use the obse_loader instead of the regular Oblivion.exe, or else some mods will not run at all. Make a shorcut of the obse_loader on your desktop.


OBMM is an easy tool, I like it more than Wrye Bash, but I do know that WB is better lol.


Hope this helps



- Teagan

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When I try to use the obse_loader instead of the regular Oblivion.exe it says I need to run the game through Steam and not use the obse_loader



Yes, you need to run the game from Steam, OBSE will be loaded automatically if you have it installed properly. Also remember to have the launch mechanism set to "script extender" in the workarounds tab of MO settings (and remember to use version 1.3.11 version of MO or such and not the one available on the Oblivion Nexus page).
If I remember correctly, you could also try launching the game, opening the console, selecting an NPC and checking if the following things work (the functions are from OBSE):
SetRefEssential 1
SetRefEssential 0

Do not save the game afterwards. If there are errors, then OBSE is probably not working as intended (unless, of course, I remeber something wrong... which actually happens more often than one would imagine). :blush:

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