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Custom Spell Creation


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It killed me when I first found out that there were no custom spell creation in skyrim. There shall be more rewards for facing all the hardships in skyrim as a mage, you know. It would be awesome if there were some kind of spell creation mod like how it was in oblivion. But gold requirement was just dumb. Other than that, anything should be fine. If you ask me; using soul gems, dragon souls or ruined books/rolls of paper as ingredients for making a custom spell tome should be fine.


This mod, and companion Vilja are the only two mods that I need right now, I just don't need anything else! (we'll have to wait emma for vilja though, lol)


Also, an arena faction wouldn't be bad, but hell, skyrim is like a gigantic arena itself.

Edited by Erenussocrates
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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't think it will be that hard to do. Basically you would need a new type of table, or just a retex of the enchanting table. Have it use the same menu as the enchanting menu, but bring up your list of known spells. I would say just make it so you can only mix 2 spells together. Probably have to go with a single slider to change the effects power. Then creating it simply adds the new spell with your new name for it. The problem lies in deciding what you need to create spells. Gold is an easy choice because this game needs a gold sink badly, but it doesn't make much sense. Soul gems would be great, but shouldnt be the only ingredient.


I wouldn't say you need a perk tree for this, since you can't get powerful spells without adding perks to the separate trees anyways. This limits how powerful your new spells are. The only difficulties I see are how to get your separate spell line perks to also increase the new spells power. For instance if you have both the enhanced lightning and fire damage perks, you need to be able to make the game make those new spells more powerful too, and cheaper to cast with the respective perks as well.

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  • 2 months later...

can`t believe noone picked up this topic in 2 moths :(




I didn`t have anything to do with modding in ES since the Morrowind but i will take a look at the SDK with this in mind...

Edited by pysiu
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  • 1 month later...
Console gamers have been sooo restricted this game around, i don't see why a minor feature would be taken out of the game! It adds extra gameplay into the game and i am baffled why the feature was removed!
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