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I'm new at modding and with Nexus downloader. Is there a way to delete all mods from the NMM or do I have to go through each one and delete them? I got to finger happy the last couple of days and downloaded alot of mods. One thing lead to another and now it's all crashing my game. So I thought I would start fresh since I really haven't got to invested into the game. But let me tell you this from what I have played, all you modders out there have done such a beautiful job, this is the game I have been looking for. The creations that I did get to see and create WOW! Freaking awesome!!! So until I hear from somebody on how to purge my NMM, I'll be deleting oh about 500 mods one at a time. Thanks for all you can do! Peace

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At the top of NMM, you'll see a tool symbol with a screwdriver and wrench. The right side of the box has an arrow. Click the arrow, a drop down menu will appear. Select uninstall all selected mods. If you want to permanently delete all the mods from NMM. Navigate to: C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\Mods. Select all the mods and delete them. Make sure not to delete the folders at the top of the window, cause they are still needed by NMM. You can however go into the folders and delete the download references. Those are just stored as temp files for NMM to reference. You can also delete the files in the download cache.

Edited by yarddogg77
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click on the arrow next to the wrench and screwdriver and select 'uninstall all active mods'


then to remove the mods files from NMM go to the folder icon and click the arrow and open 'NMM mods Folder' and select all of the mods in the folder and toss them into the recycle bin.

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I recommend that if you are going to mod, your should watch a tutorial on how to do manual installs. I'm not saying to manually install every mod, but you will get an idea of what is in a mod folder, and where those files are supposed to be installed. The main thing to learning about modding is where the files are supposed to go. There is a lot of work most people do to their game to optimize it before they even begin to install mods. Performance mods mainly, then some people will even unpack their game bsa files and optimize them, lot's to learn. I've been modding for 5 years atleast and I still feel like I'm dumb, lol.

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I would highly recommend you watch this video series if you haven't,




I would also suggest this load order/install order for your mods:


Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
[all .esm files]
Hi Res Textures 1,2,3

Unofficial High res patch

[All otherwise unmentioned .esp files go here]
[Texture mods] (Grass, water, whatever)
[body Meshes/Textures] (Such as hairs, skins, body mods, eyes, tattoos, and such things)
FNIS (If you ever get it for animations)
[Animation mods]
[Custom Skeleton] (People Generally use XP32 Maximum skeleton extended and I suggest you get it and the ragdolls mod. Sometimes mods require these and don't mention it.)
Alternate start (I suggest this mod, not only because it's awesome, but helps load your game in a stable-like manner.)
RSPatch.esp (If you ever get Real Shelter mod, put this patch last)
[Any mods that demand to go last when you run LOOT. Usually some patches]



If you need to perform a clean install of your Skyrim if some mods are lingering, here is how:



The other members already suggested how to remove the mods you are using, but if you are open to it, I would suggest if you want to have 500 mods, you learn how to use Mod Organizer. It is better in my opinion for high mod numbered lists. Your max on mods is about half of that 500 number, but with merging you might be able to get closer to it.


Also, I suggest you utilize the Crash Fixes mod and do what he suggests on his page to help with stability in your Skyrim.

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