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Button specifcally for assassination animation


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Well, I'm probably doing something wrong - but I can't seem to figure out when I'm going to actually enter into an assassination cut-scene (e.g. slitting a throat from behind) and when I'm not. It's pretty freaking frustrating. Maybe this isn't possible, or maybe instead of a button it could be an on screen indicator like the eye goes road to show you can murder them or something like that. Right now it seems completely random and that is frustrating.
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When you deal enough damage to kill target in one hit, it will trigget the animation. Thats about it, and u need to be really close to his back.


So if ur not badass enough... u wont get it lol


I don't get it... I can kill powerful enough baddies (Silver Hand Leader in the cave with the arena) and trigger the animation, but other times I just run into regular old bandits instead of triggering the animation...


I have yet to find someone I can't kill with a stealth power-attack with my ebony dagger (because I just love the way it looks), but normal stealth doesn't usually kill... I guess I would love an indicator then, maybe the eye changing red if you were going to trigger the animation.

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