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How to use script close a book?


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I created the mod and use a book as option menu. I want to skip the "close a book" part after using menu. Any way to do it with a script?




Here is an example screenshot from Violens mod.



General book menu

Open inventory menu -> Read that book -> (the book open) -> (the message box show up) -> choose option and exit -> press Tab/Esc to close the book -> Back to inventory menu


What I want to do

Open inventory menu -> Read that book -> (the book open) -> (the message box show up) -> choose option and exit -> (the book close automatically) -> Back to inventory menu


This is my book script.

Scriptname _TakeCare_Book extends ObjectReference  

Message Property _TakeCare_MainMenu  Auto  
Message Property _TakeCare_Msg  Auto  
_TakeCare_Quest Property _TakeCare_Quest_Property  Auto  

Event OnRead()

Function Menu(Int aiButton)
	If aiButton == 0	
		aiButton = _TakeCare_MainMenu.Show()
		If aiButton == 0				; Turn ON message
			_TakeCare_Quest_Property.Status = 1	
		ElseIf aiButton == 1				; Turn OFF message	
			_TakeCare_Quest_Property.Status = 0	
Edited by azzendix
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I put "return" to all three button. None of them auto-close the book.

What am I doing wrong?


Here is my current script.

Scriptname _TakeCare_Book extends ObjectReference  

Message Property _TakeCare_MainMenu  Auto  
Message Property _TakeCare_Msg  Auto  
_TakeCare_Quest Property _TakeCare_Quest_Property  Auto  

Event OnRead()

Function Menu(Int aiButton)
	If aiButton == 0	
		aiButton = _TakeCare_MainMenu.Show()
		If aiButton == 0							; Turn ON message
			_TakeCare_Quest_Property.Status = 1	
		ElseIf aiButton == 1							; Turn OFF message	
			_TakeCare_Quest_Property.Status = 0
		ElseIf aiButton == 2							; Exit
Edited by azzendix
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Checked it. Black book auto-close and back to 1st person view not inventory menu.

I think It can be done with this code.(from creation kit website)

Game.DisablePlayerControls(False, False, False, False, False, True) ; Ensure MessageBox is not on top of other menus & prevent book from opening normally.
Game.EnablePlayerControls(False, False, False, False, False, True) ; Undo DisablePlayerControls

Not really what I want but thank for the answer. Lisselli and lofgren.

Look like it's a bit too far from my knowledge. I decide to leave it that way.(or use code above, at most)

Edited by azzendix
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I put "return" to all three button. None of them auto-close the book.

What am I doing wrong?



Nothing. That was my mistake. Return works well when you're using a menu that is'nt invoked from opening a book. My mod doesn't use books.


The code on that wiki is actually the old Oblivion way of making menus. It's much easier to just use separate menu "functions", than nesting a while loop.. if you think about trying the examples there.

Edited by Lisselli
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