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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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We understand, real life comes first but Skse64 development shouldn't remain at a suspended state, I know developers have the intention of finishing it eventually but I also believe that currently they are not dedicated themselves for the task or they simply put their priorities on something that is not Skse64, which is understandable. But if any of the dev team read this, please, sometimes you need to decide, be it finishing or letting it go. That way we will either know for sure and stop waiting or a new development team will appear and try to build Skse again. In any case, both options are better than the this suspended/unknown state.

It has been only five months since the release of Skyrim Remastered/LE (October 28th, 5 months 9 days if you are a real nitpicker *Based on the average month being 30.42 days* xD). Go play original Skyrim for a bit, it is FAR too early for anyone to say "finish it or let it go". They are rebuilding SKSE for 64 bit and that will take time, even with delays in real life, their experience makes them far more likely to release a workable framework for this than an outside party.

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You made a hard effort to look smart, but you failed, your basis are wrong, the only people on earth that can finish this job are them, they can't teach others and cannot put on risk their job.



Not true. There are others on earth who could finish this job. There's even someone in this thread offering to do so.



I'm all for seeing progress updates, but come on lets be rational about it.



Given the facts, it is completely rational to question whether or not the current team is going to come through.


Ianpatt himself recognizes that. Thus the apology. His last comment makes it sound like he hasn't even heard from Behippo himself.




I am telling you, what they do is hard, but they are not the only ones in the world who can do it. They don't have to teach anyone else or risk their careers in order to open source their project, so that others (including myself) could carry on their work if they are unwilling/unable to.



To be clear, it is their project, and I will respect whatever decision they make. I am also incredibly grateful for the hard work they have put into it. However, I feel that they have a responsibility to the users who depend on them to release their code and ensure the survival of the project. I say this having created and contributed to several projects of similar complexity and scope in the infosec world. It is a tough decision to make, but I know it is the right one.






It has been only five months since the release of Skyrim Remastered/LE (October 28th, 5 months 9 days if you are a real nitpicker *Based on the average month being 30.42 days* xD). Go play original Skyrim for a bit, it is FAR too early for anyone to say "finish it or let it go". They are rebuilding SKSE for 64 bit and that will take time, even with delays in real life, their experience makes them far more likely to release a workable framework for this than an outside party.



I would agree if the pattern of communication and updates over that time were similar to other open source projects.

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Honestly I think anyone grumbling about the lack of progress, the time to get it out, the resistance to making it open source etc


If I'm sick of the whingers, my guess is they are too.

And they, like many of us, are probably sick of blind fanboy'ism as well.


Fanboyism implies a high level of irrational thought, after all that's why you call it "blind" fanboyism.


To be fair I expect there's probably an even split of fanboys between the "OMGZ WTF wont they release it already I must have for a lot of my mods!" and "Love SKSE take your time!" camps.


The reason I listed out the posts isn't because I'm a fanboy, but because between them they paint a picture of the scale of the work.

They help quantify the work involved and I wonder how many people have missed the posts: how many did we have the page right after ianpat posted an update asking for an update for instance, or if you followed the previous thread you may even have had a giggle when people missed the fact that Behippo was one of the people behind the *SE tools.


I'm all for seeing progress updates, but come on lets be rational about it.


Then you (and some others) might want to be more careful when reading and replying to some posts, otherwise, complaining about "reading comprehension" get hypocritical.




We understand, real life comes first but Skse64 development shouldn't remain at a suspended state, I know developers have the intention of finishing it eventually but I also believe that currently they are not dedicated themselves for the task or they simply put their priorities on something that is not Skse64, which is understandable. But if any of the dev team read this, please, sometimes you need to decide, be it finishing or letting it go. That way we will either know for sure and stop waiting or a new development team will appear and try to build Skse again. In any case, both options are better than the this suspended/unknown state.

You made a hard effort to look smart, but you failed, your basis are wrong, the only people on earth that can finish this job are them, they can't teach others and cannot put on risk their job. People please let them work, and forget about SKSE64 for a time, check this thread every week, but stop posting nonsense, what they need is patience and support. They even cant receive money for this because they could lost their jobs.


I am telling you, what they do is hard, but they are not the only ones in the world who can do it. They don't have to teach anyone else or risk their careers in order to open source their project, so that others (including myself) could carry on their work if they are unwilling/unable to.


To be clear, it is their project, and I will respect whatever decision they make. I am also incredibly grateful for the hard work they have put into it. However, I feel that they have a responsibility to the users who depend on them to release their code and ensure the survival of the project. I say this having created and contributed to several projects of similar complexity and scope in the infosec world. It is a tough decision to make, but I know it is the right one.


Point that someone made is that they can not make it open source, they have access to the codes and tools because of their jobs...

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I think we can all agree to disagree on everything else, rather than allowing this to bring a divide among each other.


Seems about right. Though I'm not sure I'm actually disagreeing with someone necessarily, though I've obviously drawn ire for some reason (tres perturbant).


I don't remember singling anyone out. I am getting old though :D

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Guys...can u make a list or write down which mod is really essential to u?(that needs skse)

Cause for my part i miss only one thing and its Dual sheath but i've found a workaround.

Im really interested in your list.


My must have mods for SKSE are: SkyUI, Crash fixes, Bug fixes, Mfg Console, Don't Push Me While I'm Talking, Enchantment Reload Fix, UI Extensions, Quick Loot, A Matter of Time, OSA, EK Ring Limiter,

HDT Physics Extensions plus some mods that depend on HDT (my favorites are HDT earrings and KS Hairdos), Archery Gameplay Overhaul, Skyrim Reloaded SKGE, Convenient Horses,

Skyrim Enhanced Camera, PC Headtracking and Voicetype, Dual Sheath Redux, SKSE -Elys- AltF4, Smart Souls, OneTweak, Better Jumping, TK Dodge and SkyTweak, to name a few.

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There are still a number of important mods that would be very difficult without SKSE: A port of "Jaxonz Positioner" immediately comes to mind, a utility that basically let's the player mod the game environment on the fly.


Not only that one but there is the following for me that I am waiting for Skyse and they are:


1. Jasonz Renamer Which allows you to rename things in game to your liking like chest for Example

2. Enchanting Reload Fix which fixes your created weapons from having to be rechared after just a few hits

3. Jasonz MCM kicker for helping with MCM

4. Shout- Tastic Which is a cool quest mod

5. Smart souls which allows soul gems to use their respective soul gems I.e. lesser in lesser, greater in greater etc.

6.Arods better containers

7. Convenient horses.


This is just a few of the ones for which I use.


Edit Number 2 being the most crucial as I hate having to recharge my weapon in the middle of battle.

Edited by redneck1st
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All you have to do is to change the calendar on your PC to 2019, browse to silverlock.org, download SKSE64, save it on a USB stick, eject the USB drive and then wind your PC's calender back to now and plug the USB stick back in. My copy of SKSE64 V1.1.3 is timestamped 12th November 2018 and it works great.

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All you have to do is to change the calendar on your PC to 2019, browse to silverlock.org, download SKSE64, save it on a USB stick, eject the USB drive and then wind your PC's calender back to now and plug the USB stick back in. My copy of SKSE64 V1.1.3 is timestamped 12th November 2018 and it works great.

Its so funny yet so true XD

love the sarcasm bro.

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