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A question about furniture enabling and save compatability


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Okay, so I edit a vanilla house or Battlehorn Castle, etc. where I have already completed all the quests/acquired all the furniture items in my save. I add the furniture, attach it to the right parent i.e. 'XMarker' BattlehornMenAtArmsFurnishings.


On a new save, I can go through the motions just fine: the furniture is disabled at first, and when I buy the respective furniture receipt, it appears like it should.


But on my million+ hour save where I had already bought the furniture before making this mod, everything I added is just simply nonexistent. Is there a work-around for this besides adding the furniture without making it buyable like the rest? I load my save and type BattlehornMenAtArmsFurnishings.Enable in order to 'refresh' the enabled status of the furniture, but it gives me a sintax error.


Also, I tried the furniture having 'initially disabled' both off and on. Same with Persistent Reference.



I hope I explained that in a way that made sense.

Edited by giggityninja
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Do you use RuntimeEditorIDs? If you do not use it, then you cannot use editor IDs in the console, and need to use form IDs instead (like "080004F6" and such). I would recommend giving RuntimeEditorIDs a try, it is absolutely magnificent.


Hopefully that helps a bit. :thumbsup:


Edit: As in, related to the syntax error in the console command. I think that is a great place to start troubleshooting.

Edited by Contrathetix
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I think you're close to the root of the problem with the "persistent reference" stuff.


In you old saves, you have saved after buying the original stuff. If that stuff was marked with the persistent reference flag it is now embedded in those old saves.


Couple of ways you could try getting around that. One is to reposition the problem items using the console (set the Z axis to a large negative number). The other option would be to disable the item using the console.


Something that I'm not 100% clear on here though ... how are you adding (or trying to add) your new items (i.e. via console or via Construction Set)?

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