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NPC Dialogue bug when SKSE launched through mod organizer


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I clean installed Skyrim, uninstalled and deleted all mods, Mod Organizer and NMM, but despite this, whenever i launch SKSE through the reinstalled Mod Organizer (containing no mods), an audio bug persists. This audio bug causes the mouths of NPCs to remain stationary, with no sound, and the subtitles pass very swiftly. Launching SKSE or Vanilla skyrim on its own presents no problems. I assume there are some remnant mod files, but I just can't find them.

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First, make sure you did a clean install and that none of your mods from NMM are still currently active. Your skyrim/data folder should be otherwise empty except for the vanilla files; so no mod folders should remain in there from the ones you've installed in the past. Here is a good way to make sure you have vanilla Skyrim:

Make sure you know the basics of MO as well, as switching from NMM to MO can be completely different and there are some important things with the two panes on the left and right that you need to know.


As for your bug, it could be a conflict in your load order of your master files, a bad install of SKSE, or a lingering script. Make sure you are testing on a new game.

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