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Console Command - Firewood Sale Value


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Hi guys.


Hoping someone can help me here.


Does anyone know of a console command to change how much gold you receive when selling firewood? (To Hod in Riverwood, for example).


It'd really help my early game immersion if I could reduce each firewood to 1 gold as I use it as a major source of income whilst role-playing a 'worker' in Riverwood before starting the main quest.


Any help appreciated.


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You sir, are a gentleman!


If I'm honest (and you hadn't already guessed), I'm very green when it comes to modding etc.


I've always primarily been a console man until Oldrim's release, and have only ever been a 'consumer' of mods for any releases thereafter.


Much love, it may seem like an almost redundant level of basic to most but as the 56th mod in my load order it'll put the icing on the immersion heavy final playthrough I'm after. I'll get back to you on whether it works once it's uploaded but I'm sure it will :)

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