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hey guys really need some help

I was playing the game fine the other day went to play it today and when i used the SKSE launch option in the Nexus Mod manger instead of SKSE Launching the normal skyrim game launcher poppws up i've reinstalled it SKSE looked up videos online but its still not launching can anyone help?

my skse_steam_loader is saying dll should it be .exe? and when i launch the .exe version from winraw its saying can't find tesv? but its in my skyrim folder? should that say .exe as well?

if anyone can help that would be great as i really don't what too do

just don't know what's going on was fine the other night

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From what I can remember about the install or reinstall of skse, it need first a normal launch for the .ini files. After that it is normally possible to start the skse launch, however there might be a .ini file (which I can't find right now), that say in some start option " launch or start TES_.exe ". You need to rename that to TESV.exe.

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