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DUPLICATE000 Problem!


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Does anyone have a solution on how to stop the CK from making DUPLICATE000 files?


I am creating a plugin for FWE and am using several of the FWE DLC .esp files. Every time that I alter an items stats in the .esp file it creates a duplicate. I really don't want to create a new form as I would then have to add it into many other assets the the file is tied to, a great deal of work for a simple change.


So yes, I am using an .esm and .esp's as Master Files.


Any thoughts? Any help would be appreciated greatly.



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What are you changing that is then creating a duplicate ?


I just did a test with my own .esp active and loaded anchorage and FWE.

Changed some stats on one of the DLC02 10mm which is then loading Craft and Caliber in Fo3 edit.

And it isn't making a duplicate.

Edited by Mktavish
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If you load the "FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp" file in the CK there is a set of armour by Shake (aka gaijune) found here http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/5981/? originally. The armour is in that file but, to my knowledge is unused. I'm assuming the FWE has permission from him to use this.

I have used this armour in the past and can load it from the original site, but thought if all the resources are there then put them to good use.

When I mod the file, be it the armour itself or the Object Effect if I don't create a new form it will create a DUPLICATE000 file.

I planed on creating a whole sub-mod around his armour and the Anchorage Quest for possible release, as it is just a plugin using existing meshes and textures. It would need all the FWE file associate as masters, including the .esp mentioned above.

I am running the CK as admin, but not the FOSE CK as that should not make a difference. I can do some of the work in FO3edit, but not all and whenever you open it in the CK it creates dups.

Hopefully you have some sort of solution to this, I have run across this in the passed, but have never found a viable solution save for creating new forms. Also, I don't have the option of flagging the esp as a master.

Thanks for the help!

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If you are referring to the Editor IDs in the CK, most of his stuff starts with 3EF, so if you type this into the Filter and go under ALL, you should see his armour etc.


It's funny every time I start the CK and set my mod to active it has all the master (.esm) as masters to the mod but no esp's. I have to manually check the DLC plugins. At that time get error messages as it creats the dups.


Oh ... something else I should add, don't know if it matters or not, when I go into the CK again it will add a DUPLICATE000DUPICATE000 to the DUPLICATE000 that is already there. :(

Edited by TimeShadow
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Ya something weird going on ... not sure ... but I'm pretty sure I did not see any "3EF" prefixes the first time.


However ... I opened the FWE Anchorage.esp in Fo3-edit to see if those items were there first.

"FO3Edit_3_0_26_EXPERIMENTAL-637-3-0-26EXP" is the version I use.


So then I opened the geck (I always launch through Fose by the way)


Checked the FWE Anchorage.esp ... then made my .esp the active one.


When it gets done loading up ... the object tree is displaying all the 3EF armor peices. I guess because I was looking at them in Fo3-edit ... not sure. Oh wait ... maybe because the last time I had the geck open I was looking in the Armor section ... and now I have "3EF" on my clip board ready to paste ?

But still I hadn't dropped it in the filter feild ... but yet it is displaying the armor pieces with "3EF" as if I was in the sub section of "Armor > Armor" where they are found.


So I then edit one of them "3EFdrg01" just changing the health and AR.

Then I also go to the object effects and change 2 of them "3EFdrgArmor01" & "3EFdrgArmor02" just changing the magnitude of agility.


Save the file and close the geck. Go into Fo3-edit again , just loading my file. But the FWE Anchorage.esp does not load with it. However the new entries I just changed are there , with no duplicates. But are not showing their original values in any other file with it , which I found strange. Since the guns I had done some editing on do show up in another file with their original values.


What file are the duplicates showing up in ?


Add edit : then loaded the geck , with only checking my file and making it the active.

It is loading without the FWE Anchorage.esp and all it's assets ... except now those 3 things with "3EF" I edited are showing in the object tree now. No duplicates there either ... nor did I see any duplicates created within the FWE Anchorage.esp ... just loading that file with both Fo3-edit & Geck.

Edited by Mktavish
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I think I see what your doing. When I create a plugin (for the 1st time) I open the file(s) that I wish to change (in the CK) by checking them (but NOT making them active). I then make the changes and save, this is when I am prompted to create a NEW file name (for the new .esp), Example, file name xxxxxx.esp and this is the file that has the duplicate000, not any of the original FWE files, as I do not wish to alter them as they do not belong to me. And if I release a MOD in Nexus it can't change things in the original only overwrite them.

So ... no FWE files are altered at all.

Files needed for this mod: (must be loaded)










FO3 Wandersers Edition - Main File.esm

FO3 Wandersers Edition - Main File.esp

FO3 Wandersers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp

My File created to overwrite.esp


Dup show up in My File only.

I'm surprised that you have never come across this problem before. Well, I do thank you for your effort in this.

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I think I see what your doing. When I create a plugin (for the 1st time) I open the file(s) that I wish to change (in the CK) by checking them (but NOT making them active). I then make the changes and save, this is when I am prompted to create a NEW file name (for the new .esp), Example, file name xxxxxx.esp and this is the file that has the duplicate000, not any of the original FWE files, as I do not wish to alter them as they do not belong to me. And if I release a MOD in Nexus it can't change things in the original only overwrite them.

So ... no FWE files are altered at all.

Files needed for this mod: (must be loaded)










FO3 Wandersers Edition - Main File.esm

FO3 Wandersers Edition - Main File.esp

FO3 Wandersers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp

My File created to overwrite.esp


Dup show up in My File only.

I'm surprised that you have never come across this problem before. Well, I do thank you for your effort in this.


So then your answer to solve the problem seems clear. Create a new .esp first with just the Fallout.ESM by doing one small change that prompts it to make a new file. I suggest dropping something into the render window.


So save and close the file ... then reopen the geck checking the files you wish to use the assets ... I'm guessing all you need do is check the FWE DLC .esp's ... The masters for them should load also without checking them ... then check your new .esp as the active one.


Now you can make changes with those assets , and they will create a record in your .esp with no duplicates.

At least I think so ... :whistling:

Edited by Mktavish
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I gave your method a try and here are the results;

First, I have always thought that one file (an esp) had a problem using another esp as a master, that the master always had to be an esm. Clearly this is still a problem, but something new has emerged.


After following your steps I then went to open said file and noticed that it was not using the FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp file as a master so I checked this file and opened it. Looked for changes and there it was DUPLICATE000. But that's not all.


I then closed the CK and reopened it without checking the FWE-DLC esp file. Now only the files that I had changed were there, and not as dups ... what? So apparently as long the file (FWE-DLC.esp) is in your loadorder it will use the assets, but only the file(s) that you changed show-up. Not what I was expecting, at all. Very good to know!


This now lets me create an esp that will not modify the original files and yet uses the assets.



Thanks for giving me a new set of eyes on this problem that I've been dealing with for ages.

You have been most helpful, if you ever need any help let me know, if I can help, I will.


~TS :)

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Glad to be of help ... our perception is very important. And the recipie for that is enigmatic for others to help you percieve.


But there is nothing like that BiG Click ... when something just makes sense.

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