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Mesh Issues


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I get an error on the first link. Is that the nif?


I don't need the table. I can easily do that myself. I just still don't understand why you say that can't be done with 2.49b because I can do it with 2.49b. What am I not understanding?

show me in the geck the results of what you can do and provide the file, the link is good too becasue I just tested it.


if you can't obtain mine, show me yours. I know the geck won't load it from an export of 2.49b

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Here's mine. It's under the files section under Coffee Table No Top.



I used FOMM's BSA browser to extract the original coffee table, then loaded that into Blender 2.49b. I deleted the existing collision mesh, then edited the coffee table mesh. I did a block select to get all of the vertices on the top part, deleted those, saw that it left little rings of vertices where the bottom of the upper legs had been, deleted those, then duplicated that mesh and turned it into a collision mesh, exported it, loaded it into the GECK to make sure it worked, then zipped it up and uploaded it.


I only used 2.49b because that's the only version of Blender that I have.

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I have to wait on the nexus to release it.


I only used 2.49b because that's the only version of Blender that I have.

if your happy with what your using, then keep using it. the point is to make you happy.

the new version has a lot more going on too than the older one, some people just seem to not like it's interface. Blender that is...


All I did " had to do, was remove the top section and the vertices that connected the legs to it. nothing else was required, it kept all the stats with in the file on export.

no need to duplicate anything. but might have to in 2.49b... :cool:

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The nexus is being slow today. It usually doesn't take so long for it to get a file out to all of its servers.


The original collision mesh included the upper part, so I deleted that instead of editing it. Then to create the new collision mesh I just duplicated the coffee table mesh since it's a simple mesh. Did you modify the collision mesh?


I'm used to 2.49b so I don't mind it. I don't want to upgrade to a newer version since the nif tools don't import and export properly in those versions. If they ever get that working, I might upgrade. 2.49b's automatic bone weighting when you parent a mesh to an armature can be a bit wonky, though it does work. And then there's the hair issue that I mentioned earlier. If those work better in the newer version that would give me some incentive to upgrade.

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well, lol, the nexus ripped out your data, the zip file is empty


as far as experience goes, your on your way, so keep up with what your doing..bones, let me see, Anchorage has a bone to pick, the GECK says so lol.

imagine, all the flaws sold?


don't be in a rush is all the advice I can offer to you. That's what makes thing go really bad.


we need to keep the topic on the OP here too. so My apologies to the OP.

we are waiting.

Edited by Purr4me
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Huh. I downloaded the file and sure enough it's empty. I'll try that again.


This was a bit of a sidetrack, but the OP is new to working with Blender and needs to know what works and what doesn't, so I don't feel too bad about hijacking his thread for a bit. But yeah, let's get back to his issue.

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Huh. I downloaded the file and sure enough it's empty. I'll try that again.


This was a bit of a sidetrack, but the OP is new to working with Blender and needs to know what works and what doesn't, so I don't feel too bad about hijacking his thread for a bit. But yeah, let's get back to his issue.

The servers here...act funny. I don't tie any assets I make to permissions, I believe that if I make something that belongs to the publisher, I have no rights to it, no one does, they own it, it's theirs whether or not we think so or not. They have given every one permission to edit and modify their games software "Mod it".

So free means free. But if some one adds these things to their work, that means they take pride in what they have done, so be it, then it stands.

How ever, what follows with that is hate, discontent ,theft, and the lists just goes on and on.

I removed all assets our team and my self have made due to a lot of reasons but mainly things I can not control that snuffed out my reasons to upload thins here.

Not only do I use free software to accomplish a lot of my tasks with, i also use commercial bought and paid for full blown software's too.


But I can afford it. I do not expect any one here to invest into the hobby that much. Not for a $15.00 game?

I do have other interests too.


I sign my files, yes, even that table I made too. But ..I don't own it. It's vapor ware. No substance exists. 1's and 0's.

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Your operating system is 64bit, the data clearly shows all details on a 64bit system and tools.


I've been fooling around with this mesh for a few days now, trying to get it to work with the GECK without avail. Could anyone provide some pointers as to what I may be doing wrong? It's probably more than one thing.

(The textures and scaling aren't final; I'm just making sure it works first}

I am quoting your first post so to keep focus on the issue.


I am Logged into Bethesda web site in two ways, 1 in my browser and 2 within the CK for 64bit with fallout 4 loaded.


The new gen Creation kit is running in the back ground and fully renders this files code in the tools "nifscope too"

so you DO have a problem there of software Dominance just as I did NOT find the Materials the file needed.


I did this on a hunch.


you can not upload files in this shape...just so you are aware.


New Vegas GECK is 32bit. and it's not running.


it's some sort of "Fat" issue.


like so


I will try to help you figure out whats wrong with in other than the current format.

Edited by Purr4me
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For the OP, I went back through this thread and read it a bit more carefully, and JoKelly's comment on the first page really stood out to me.


It's my understanding that no matter how you create the mesh, you need to export it as a nif using 2.49b as that's something that doesn't work in the later nif tools. If that's the case, then that part is the same for me as for you because you have to use the version of Blender that I use to do it.


JoKelly's comment was that it was missing the BSX flag and the BHK rigid body, so this may be as simple as you didn't check the proper export options when exporting as a nif. Exporting the nif incorrectly can do everything from making your mesh not work right to crashing the GECK and the game.


When you export as a nif, it will come up with an options screen. In the middle it will say Collision Options and under that you want to click on the buttons for whatever type of mesh you are creating. Since you are making a building, you want to click on Static, then under that you want to click on Wood. Make sure that when you created your collision mesh, you added a string value to it it called it HAV_MAT_WOOD. Clicking on those two buttons will default most of the other settings to something that will work fine for your building. But, very importantly, to the right of that, you need to make sure Use BSFadeNode Root is selected. You want that selected for statics and clutter objects, and you want it NOT selected for armor and skin meshes. Pretty much everything else on that screen should work with the default settings.

Like I said, I don't have collision yet. I'm just trying to test the mesh itself.

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Your operating system is 64bit, the data clearly shows all details on a 64bit system and tools.


I've been fooling around with this mesh for a few days now, trying to get it to work with the GECK without avail. Could anyone provide some pointers as to what I may be doing wrong? It's probably more than one thing.

(The textures and scaling aren't final; I'm just making sure it works first}

I am quoting your first post so to keep focus on the issue.


I am Logged into Bethesda web site in two ways, 1 in my browser and 2 within the CK for 64bit with fallout 4 loaded.


The new gen Creation kit is running in the back ground and fully renders this files code in the tools "nifscope too"

so you DO have a problem there of software Dominance just as I did NOT find the Materials the file needed.


I did this on a hunch.


you can not upload files in this shape...just so you are aware.


New Vegas GECK is 32bit. and it's not running.


it's some sort of "Fat" issue.


like so


I will try to help you figure out whats wrong with in other than the current format.

So I should find 32 bit software to export it then?

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