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Dogmeat not being infront all the time.


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i love the idea of having a dog by my side and in real life a dog generally does walk out in front slightly but dogmeat seems to latch to the cursor so if i want to loot hes standing in the way, if i want to get through that door or tight spot he's in the way, i spend most of my time literally wanting to punch my monitor instead of enjoying the game coz god dammit he's in the frickin way again.

Please please for all that is holy someone make a mod that makes him follow and not lead, pref compatible with everyones best friend coz as it stand i simply cannot use him like this

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I believe there's a mod for that alright actually! :)

(Plus it also works on Settlers and other NPCs that may be blocking your way)

Move (Get Out the Way) at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and Community

I hope this answers your questions!

There are a few others out there already, including one where you can actually knock (push back) your companions and others that may block the way.

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yeh ive seen those mods but they are only effective if you 'bump' them and helps you not get stuck but my issue is you can be less than an inch away from something you want to loot and he will squeeze right in front of ya cursor im serious he is just ALWAYS there, im after a mod that makes him follow you behind not in front attached to the cursor like a normal follower. His package makes him follow your cursor not you.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 7 months later...

For anyone who may still come across this and have the same gripe this mod tries to help this issue more accurately to what my problem actually is http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15823/? it basically tries to stop dogmeat being there in the first place which is what i was after hope this helps someone :smile:

Sorry for reviving an old thread but I felt compelled to say thank you! Often people will not report their findings once they have found a solution, but not you. I was so close to murdering Dogmeat but you have spared him. Thanks again!

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