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Joining the forces of either the Empire or Storm Cloaks idea.


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Once we become a member of one of the two factions all their camps map markers appear on the map just for the group we joined, Storm Cloaks or the Legion.


In the beginning of the game when we still don't have a house their camps would be a good rest stop if we managed to get accepted as a new recruit before we could acquire a house.


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I'm not good with enabling markers and such, but I like the idea. I was trying, earlier, to make it so that all the camps (not just the enemy) stayed active after the war, for those who want the camp life. Maybe a separate tent, with a player chest for secure storage, something like that. Hopefully someone comes along, who knows how to do that. Maybe we can get a mod that does all 3.

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At the camps a way to revert enemies weapons, old Nordic Swords and Bows to more powerful modern weapons would be nice.


A Legion auxiliary or a Storm cloak recruit stationed outside the barrows or one of the Dwarf's old holds, to take a wagon load of them for a share of the gold we find in there, back to the perspective group for trade instead of lugging a wagon load on my characters back or having to make several trips back and forth after clearing out an old barrow.


That would be more fun to do it that way instead of changing the carry weight so my character has Talos carrying his weight. The God Mode.


Happy New Year!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know if it will do everything you want, but if you use Campfire, you can drop a tent with up to 4 bedrolls in it (for followers) and use any camp as a home base. I have just recently made a mod, which uses Campfire as a master, that allows you to build and place barricades and up to 9 different safe storage containers, which you can pick up and carry with you. Gives you a bit more freedom to "live" where you please, and keep the riff raff out.

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The Kahjiit Caravans always are roaming about from one hold to the next. If I found them passing by when I exited a hold, barrow, or one of the places where the amount of loot was a preposterous amount I could trade a portion with them to realize the ability to move fast afoot again, explore some more while on the way to the next hold's trading post. Packing and unpacking followers is a tedious task, added to the task of selling all the loot to a trader.


Traveling afoot or by horseback always gives me more of the sense of realism that fast travel takes away.


We have to be lighter by one point to be able to fast travel or move fast afoot to give the game realism in that area of the theme. If I fast traveled all the time my desired sense for exploration becomes dulled on my mind.


I prefer not to lose that sense of wanting to peek behind every nook and cranny. The game seems to lose it's luster when I fast travel allot. So I would rather run rapidly, to look in and around, then to fast travel from where I had been. It makes me feel like i am losing focus having to go back and start hiking from there afterward.

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