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Using GetWorkshopResourceObjects outside of settlement areas?


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I'm using GetWorkshopResourceObjects to find specific objects in a list of specific settlements. I check these settlements from a quest timer, so it needs to run regardless of where the player is.

The problem is it's only getting the correct data while the player is inside of the settlement itself. Is this a limitation or am I missing something?

For example:

Sanctuary has 18 defense objects.

..While the player is in Sanctuary: It returns 18 objects every time it's checked. Works fine.

..While the player is outside: It returns 12 objects the first check. And then 0 objects every check after.

It seems like as soon as the settlement area is either out of range, or unloaded, you can no longer access any of these resource objects. But I can, however, access most of the ratings (like Population, Water, etc.)

Is this function not supposed to work unless you're in a settlement? (it doesn't specify on the wiki)

Is there another way around this?

Any info would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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It`s the vanilla game bug that is the reason of happiness drop. It was mentioned on happiness achievement page(can`t remember it`s name, something benevolent) in FO4 wiki. People blamed lots of different things from jukeboxes to television but as I noticed that if I go to the next location and fast-travell from there, it prevent the bug from appearing. Fastrevelling directly from the settlement often causes this bug. Can`t tell you why but maybe the Workshop just fails to recalculate all values when you change the location by fastravelling. Not sure.


And it does not updates unless you visit the location. In the pipboy it shows the data that probably was saved in the moment you left the settlement area. If it was possible to recalculate all workshop objects from another area, I think Beth would fix this bug. Many things are not mentioned in wiki , wiki is always in progress and FO4 is quite a new game still.

Edited by kitcat81
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If the engine won't allow these objects to be accessed without being loaded/cached, there has to be another way to find or track them.


I'm wondering if maybe I can just store these myself in quest variables or something, but part of the problem is I kind of wanted to check if they are actively powered or have a settler manning them.


I hate to have to demote this system to only work while you're in each settlement itself.


Does anyone know if it's feasible to add new AVIF's to use as brand new resources for settlements? It would probably require me to edit the WorkshopScript though, in order for it to pick up current data like it does Water, Population, Crops, etc.


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