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Texturing workflow...


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I'm working on various models atm, i can handle the modeling process but i really...REALLY suck at texturing.

My current workflow is: Modeling (C4D), Mudbox: projecting the image of a real weapon over the model and copy the textures, fine tuning in Photoshop.


My big problem: It looks good from far away...






BUT it really looks crappy ingame:




I'm using 1024 textures hence most reference images i use aren't bigger than that...the spartan sword for example was taken from a 1600x1600 image, but substract the background and you can imagine that there are only a few pixels left for the blade...so it looks crappy.


So my next step would be to search for high resolution images of blades and project them onto the model...or is there a better way? Just use high resolution texture of base materials (metal, leather...) and draw the whole thing? Or should i modfiy the original textures that come with the game? Or are there any ressources for weapon parts?


Would really appreciate it to hear something 'bout your workflow, 'cause my current one drives me crazy and i'm close to surrender.


thx & greetings

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Jeah, sure...but i guess they just have a minor effect with such a blurry texture like the blade. I guess my problem are the low resolution reference images...i made a sheath for the sword using a high resolution leather texture and it looks nice.


So i guess i just have to search for better images...but still it would be interesting how other people texture their models.

Edited by ghosu
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I'd try to make sure the ingame shader on the nif file has enough specularity, for the blade you can make the diffuse a bit darker than intended and compensate with a sharp specular that makes the blade shine a bit more. After all if im correct, without some specularity the normal map won't make much difference. I think different cubemaps can change the look of the sword quite a bit, there's a chrome one, and for the sword im working on (http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/521441-how-to-make-new-weapon-without-replacing-an-original-one/) i used wrtemple_e.dds cubemap. Edited by Yogensya
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While it's easier, photosourcing isn't really a good way to go, at least not directly. Doubly so when it comes to metals, the reflection/specularity is key to making metals work. As you mention, you're tied to the resolution of your source, but also including lighting from that photo, something we don't usually want. You could spend some time altering the image to selectively rid the image of unwanted light and shadow. If painting really isn't your thing, look for other suitable sources, like the wood on your rifle, and manipulating that into place.



this is an awesome tutorial, it will help a lot with metals.

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