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Encounter zones, mods suggestions to modify them


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As we all know, skyrim is divided up into encounter zones that control the minimum and maximum level of critters that can spawn inside it.


I am wondering what type of mods do you folks use to modify them? I tried one, but ended up getting rid of it because it also modified loot lists. Getting ebony weapons before level 10 just annoyed me. What I am aiming for is actually being able to run into challenging dungeons.


Thinking of trying to convert PermaZones from oldrim.

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It changes Leveld Lists too but you might want to take a closer look at Morrowloot Ultimate :wink: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3058/? Removes Glass, Ebony, Elven, ... from nearly every "normal" Encounter. So you have to find it at Dwemer Ruins (for Dwemer Equipment), from Bosses and so on. Also places hand-placed unique Items around the world, changes Encounter Zones (after 40h, I appreciate the allocation from the EZs, feels really challenging again. Sometimes you need to leave a dungeon and have come back 5-10 levels later - and then finally beat it and get a worthy reward), and more. Just look at the page.


Can absolutely recommend it! nonetheless, every Encounter Zone Mod from Oldrim should be compatible, as long as it doesn't need SKSE. Just resave it in SKSE64.

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