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Add sound sets to rifles when fired

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This problem is not easy to describe. Let's see.


I have OBME and made three new magic effects. I also made three sound sets and want to add one to each magic effect. I want the sound set to play when weapon is fired, not on impact ( my weapons are rifles)

But when I put the sound set into "cast sound" only one sound of the set is played per each NPC.

Only putting the sound set into "area sound" plays the whole set with all sounds in it at random.


I hope you understand my problem.


Now I wonder if I can accomplish this with a script set to each weapon, that makes the sound play from the weapons not on impact.

But I'm not too good with scripts, so I need help.


I only could make a script that works for the player:


scn 0aM16Sound

Short controlvar

Begin GameMode

Set controlvar to 0

if ( player.getequipped aaM16 ) && ( player.isWeaponout == 1 ) && ( IsKeyPressed 1 == 1 ) && ( controlvar == 0 )
playSound aaam16

Set controlvar to 1



Edited by Elbethien
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So, when I add this script:

scn 0aAKSound3

Begin ScriptEffectStart

playSound aaaAKsound

Begin ScriptEffectUpdate

Begin ScriptEffectFinish


to the enchantment of the weapon, it works, but the sounds will always play at my position, not on the one who is shooting. What can I do?

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