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Oblivion Load Save Crashes


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Greetings people of The Nexus Forums. I'm having a strange problem regarding my Oblivion save. Even not adding anything I can't load my save at all because the game crashes. The only thing I did was disabling all mods and then enabling them. I tried to delete my 5 last mods in case they were the problem but nothing changed. After I completely deleted Oblivion I reinstalled it and started adding the most necessary mods for the save to load like armor,race,weapons etc. and still I can't seem to fix it. Is there any way for anyone to help me? If you can't at least tell me if there is a way to see what is causing this crash and so I may be able to fix it. Thank you all for your time.


EDIT: Also the game crashes when I try to make a new character. Just after the emperor cinematic when I am supposed to pick a race,name,hair etc. either having the Alternative Start mod or the vanilla start I always crash. Need help ASAP. ty



Edited by nikpav
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Crashing at loadup is often a sign of missing masters. If you use Wrye Bash it can easily identify that if it's the problem. The next troubleshooting step I'd take is see if I can load a strictly vanilla new character. If so then start adding your mods one by one (or in groups of related mods where applicable) until the game breaks. Makes troubleshooting a breeze when you have 'it broke when I installed mod X' as a frame of reference.


If a vanilla start isn't happening you could rename your Oblivion.ini (located in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion for Win 7 or Vista, in Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion for WinXP ... NOT the file Oblivion_default.ini located in your game install Oblivion folder). My tried and true rename is Oblivionini.old. Restart the game and it will generate a new Oblivion.ini. When you get to the main menu exit the game and then restart and try a new character. You may find you need to reset some of your settings as the game won't do a good job of recognizing hardware that wasn't even dreamed of when the game was designed.


The other thing of note is get the game working with a completely vanilla race. If it works then but breaks later when you try with your modded race you'll have a good idea where to start tinkering. Just having a problem race in your list may be giving you grief, even if you aren't selecting it.


Bottom line is the game didn't go from working to non-working without a little 'help'. The problem is always the same ... trying to figure out how you 'helped' it into it's broken state. When you do one thing and then it breaks it's a trivial matter to figure out. When you do 100 things and then it breaks it's a different matter.

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I tried the rename ini file and new game with vanilla race but none of these worked. Also I completely deleted and reinstalled Oblivion without ANY mods and still it wouldn't work. Now I'm going to give a try on Wrye Bash.


/crosses fingers



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I don't see Wyre Bash being any help with a vanilla install and no mods.


So just so I'm getting this right ... you uninstalled Oblivion (and hopefully did a registry cleaning) and then re-installed the game (hopefully somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion). You patched the game to version 1.2.0416 (which would have happened automatically if you installed the second disk of the GotY edition, or when you installed the correct official patch for your edition of the game ... not sure how Steam handles it). When you start a new game with Oblivion completely un-modded it still crashes?

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Oblivion unmodded works but I can't seem to work my save. Even if I only add the most necessary mods for the save file (which are about 5 I think). I could always play with these mods. Maybe I have to clean the registry because I didn't?


EDIT: When I was saying vanilla races I meant with modded Oblivion. Vanilla Oblivion works fine but I want mods. I don't wanna quit my 409 hours character :sad:

Edited by nikpav
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Now it's sounding a lot like a corrupted save. Have a look through the Corrupted Saves pinned thread, maybe there's something there that will let you fix the save.


I personally never qucksave and never overwrite a save from the Esc menu (always save to a new slot). I also use named saves via the console (occasionally on my old character, always with my new guy). The only time I use an autosave is those occasions I've forgotten to save for a while and don't want to redo so much. Hard drive space is cheap, and you can always backup your saves to a flashdrive or burned disk if space is an issue.

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Alright now at least there is a little difference but I still crash. I used this tip said at the pinned thread you mentioned and I can actually load the save. But ! When you load any game you get a message on the bottom of the screen that says "Loading area..." right? Well that message stays there for about 5 seconds and there is nothing at all visible in my screen. It's all blacked. After these 5 seconds I get the crash. I think it has to do something with mods that interfere with Oblivion's UI and / or have loading time like OblivionXP.


EDIT: I disabled OblivionXP and DarNified UI but the problem still persists...



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If it helps at all I can give the error that is displayed on crash:


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: Oblivion.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 462392c7

Fault Module Name: Oblivion.exe

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 462392c7

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 0000ca4d

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1032

Additional Information 1: 27c8

Additional Information 2: 27c8ce5af7a07bedf550bd9c573901b3

Additional Information 3: e56e

Additional Information 4: e56e9cfaf3cd1084b6b4c016d12ce64c


This is by using obse not oblivion.exe that is displayed just to let you and any other know.



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