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Oblivion Load Save Crashes


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You pretty much have to use OBSE these days. I'm just an old self taught curmudgeon so I can't offer much interpretation of your error codes. I had a read through the Corrupted Saves thread looking for items of interest (not much luck there outside of the first post on the thread) and while doing so I thought of one more thing you could try if you can manage to get your problem save to load (I know ... big if).


As soon as the save loads open the console and type 'coc center' (without the quotes) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to a spot on an open plain with some trees visible in the distance. Using the wait menu wait 72 hours plus a bit (three days and a few more hours for good measure). Open the console and 'coc weye' and Enter. Travel back to your problem area (I'd suggest not using fast travel, at least this one time) and see if all is fixed.

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Unfortunately the 'coc center' command doesn't work either. When I am about to get teleported I get a crash at the loading screen. I think I'm just going to abandon my saved character and make a brand new vanilla and then start adding mods one by one. :wallbash:


Thanks for your help and effort though.



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Ouch ... I hate it when that happens. I don't know about you, but I get quite attached to my characters. Like I mentioned before, backup your saves from time to time. Having a lot of saves in your saves folder does slow down loading the menu etc. so it is a good idea to keep that folder tidied up some, but pick up some of my packrat habits. I generally do a manual save every hour or so, every two hours at the max (either from the Esc menu or console named save). I have a backup folder (located outside of the game folders) and will occasionally move the older saves from my saves folder to backup (usually when I start to notice it takes a while to open the save menu). I always have a fall-back position if things get gummed up.
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  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone I have the exact same problem but fortunately I i figured it out. I've read somewhere that the problem might be from corrupt save files with OBSE format (i read that OBSE corrupts saves sometimes)


So launch the game with its original launcher (not obse loader) and load your save game. open the in-game menu and save your game again. now you have a non-OBSE save file. now exit game. and reopen it with OBSE loader. then load the save you just made. should work now since the save file isn't corrupt


I also read that disabling auto save (save when waking up/traveling...) and NOT overwriting your saves can help prevent corrupted save files. i'm not sure about this one but wouldn't hurt to try :)

Edited by Qlayer666
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"Corrupt" save happened to me too, but I didn't use any mods, not even patches with the game, so maybe your save isn't corrupted because of mods. I know it's frustrating but you'll have to deal with it, since there is no 100%-working fix to these saves.

However I've heard that corrupt saves may occur when you save game when on "crashy" locations, one of them is The Imperial House (so I'd say other houses are too), where my save got corrupted as well. Also, don't save game outside on day if you're vampire. And I recommend you not to use console/cheats too much (if you use them at all).

I've heard of something called "save bloating" but didn't completely understand it. I guess it happens when merchants have too many items or save files become too big in size. Maybe someone else here knows.

As Striker879 said above, I highly recommend you to save often and use different saves. I see your autosave, quicksave and last save got corrupted. Did you have some previous saves below them? Maybe you could use them again to continue playing your character. You'll be disappointed at first but better something than nothing. I've done it many times but my character still lives :)

Edited by moonhuntress89
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When you uninstalled Darnified and Oblivion XP, did you revert to the vanilla Oblivion\Data\Menus\hud_main_menu.xml? I've been screwing around with my HUD a lot lately, and if you mess up the UI files the game is expecting, it will crash on load.

Also which order did you install them in? You have to install them in the correct order or conflicting .xml files exist and your game will crash.


Since you haven't been using Wrye Bash, it means that you likely have files left over from your mods in your Oblivion\Data folder. If they in any way changed the HUD and you didn't revert it to the vanilla state, it will crash.

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