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Settlement Creation Information


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Hey guys, just wanted to share some general information on settlement creation.

Firstly, here is an awesome resource for settlement creation: https://community.bethesda.net/thread/9281

This image is my personal cheat sheet for setting up the objects and linking them in the CK: http://i.imgur.com/KQ9aHgi.png


Once you have done what's shown in the image above, you'll want to set up a quest to initialize your new settlement so it behaves like a proper settlement.

You need to create a new quest. Name the quest whatever you want, tick the "Start Game Enabled" & "Run Once" box and set priority to 41. Then, click OK.

Open your newly created quest for editing. Create 2 stages (stages 10 & 20 are recommended), one with the "run on start?" box ticked and the other with the "run on stop?" box ticked. The stage #'s don't matter.


Now, go to the quest aliases tab and create a new RefCollection alias called "Workshops"

In the workshops alias, do the following:

  1. Set Max Initial Fill Count to 1
  2. Click on the Find Matching Reference fill type radio button
  3. In Match Conditions, create a new condition targeting Self with the GetInCurrentLocation function and select the value for your settlement's location.
  4. In Match Conditions, create a new condition targeting Self with the LocationHasKeyword function and select the value "LocTypeWorkshopSettlement".
  5. In Match Conditions, create a new condition targeting Self with the HasKeyword function and select the value "WorkshopKeyword"

Click OK to save your changes to the new alias you've created.

In the scripts tab add the "WorkshopAddLocationsScript"

Once added, open the script's properties. Click on the "Auto-Fill All" button. Then, in the workshops collection property, choose the value for your newly created alias in the quest you just created.


If you chose a stop stage other than 20, then you'll need to change that property also.

I may update this thread later on, I get PM'd questions from time to time. :smile:

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We use this Settlement Guide with pictures :wink:


There are a few typos though.

Yeah that guide does a good job of covering the material. Glad I didn't go balls to the wall with this XD


Still, I do like my little graphic for the object placement as a general reminder. Never touched encounter zones though, so I wonder how that ties into the settlement system.


Pretty unhappy that bethesda isn't the one giving us these guides though, it took a lot of work for me to figure out stuff for my mods by backtracking what Bethesda already knew how to do. Their creation kit site is also kind of sloppy and not very well documented for some functions.

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