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Oblivion window not visible.


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Hope this time someone helps. I am experiencing this problem recently.

Whenever I launch oblivion (from steam, windowed mode, 1280x720) and click on 'Play', it runs perfectly(with the sounds,etc) except that it is invisible. Its like a blank curtain on the desktop and I can't click on anything. I can view the game playing(Bethesda logo,2k,then mainmenu) in the taskbar(windows 7) when I place the mouse pointer on the oblivion icon on it but nothing happens when I click it.

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OK I found a solution. Deleted the Oblivion.ini file in My Documents/My Games. The game created one when it starts and the problem is for now, gone. =) -----*starts the game* -game can't detect hardware!runs anyway. finds grey screen! =( disables HDR after googling the problem--->game works fine. :'(


...How do I enable HDR and play? Suggestions anyone?

Edited by Astatine11
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Here's a quote from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide (emphasis added):

While being more atmospheric, HDR lighting is more graphics card intensive, and furthermore can only be enabled on the GeForce 6600 series or above, or the ATI X1000 series or newer. HDR is also mutually exclusive with Bloom - one cannot be enabled at the same time as the other. Finally, you also can't enable HDR and Antialiasing at the same time unless you have an ATI X1000 series card or a GeForce 8 series card or newer, and recent Catalyst or Forceware drivers - in both cases you must first enable HDR in the game, and then force enable Antialiasing in your graphics card's control panel for it to work.
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