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Sell single item - No stack


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So this was a feature, in SkyUI, but since SKSE64 isn't going to support SkyUI on Skyrim SE anytime soon, it would be great if somebody could make a mod that removes the 'stack selling'. I would have expected that Bethesda had put in a key(shift/alt/ctrl) that while hold you would be able to sell a single item from stack, or they could have fixed how much XP you get from selling stacks but noooooo. Of course if somebody can tell me how I can change the minimum number, before the stack slider appears that would be great too. If I change it to 999 that would propably fix this "problem", because after all the only item you have, over 999, in your inventory is money and I always have way more than that. Or if there is a mod that all ready does this but I have missed it, please direct me to the right way =). Thanks in advance.

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SkyUI 2.2 works w/o SKSE on Special Edition (minus features like search). Not sure if it has the functionality you're looking for in that version but it could be worth a try for you.

Edited by sharp2255
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Well unfortenatly SkyUI 2.2 didn't work. Either it doesn't have the that feature integrated yet, or if I remember correctly it was an option which had to be enabled, which means I would propably need MCM too. Anyway just wanted to report that is not yet "solved".


So If anybody has any ideas or time to create this mod, it would be much appreciated! :D

Edited by CainStar
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